
In the wake of South African and world symbol of human spirit and leadership Nelson Mandela, we all owe it to him and to ourselves to take a good, hard look at ourselves, especially as people of color, and ask the hard questions. The essential questions, like “What are we doing to make a difference in our lives and most importantly, in that of others?”, “How are we shaping our paths to open doors for others”, and really, “What kind of leadership are we offering throughout our lives?”.

We discussed in one of our earlier posts the fact that leadership really starts at home, and goes on to permeate each and every one of our life’s areas. As corporate sisters, we are trailblazers, thinkers, innovators, and example-setters. We stand where very few of us have stood, we are introducing a new dimension of thought and culture in a business world where the interests of our communities are still under-represented. Through our contribution to the corporate structure of society, we are not just offering up the fruits of our hard work in exchange for a paycheck and some level of recognition, no, we also are building a path, and this regardless of whatever capacity we are acting up in. From CEO to director, manager, analyst, and coordinator, from the financial to the operational or human resources side of the business, we are agents of change. As such, we are able to communicate ideas, re-group people, show different aspects of work and lifestyle to otherwise unfamiliar spaces and people, take positive and powerful stances to influence the way we think, act and live. And really, isn’t that the definition of leadership?

As we take some time to reflect upon our own contributions, and how our lives and work impact those of others, let’s think in bigger terms and brighter images than what conventional society and media have us accustomed to. Let’s start thinking in terms of world-changing, breakthrough leadership. Let’s stop believing that world-changing destinies only belong to a select few, that in our limited capacities or mundane everyday occupations, that we are not as equipped to make a difference. Let’s embrace the leadership that is innate to who we are, in whatever capacity we are given to develop, nurture and act upon it.

Are you thinking beyond your circumstances? Are you embracing your innate leadership?

Go one step further and discover what type of leader you are by taking this quiz, courtesy of BlackEnterprise.com:http://www.blackenterprise.com/career/boss-quiz-what-type-of-leader-are-you/

The Corporate Sister.

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