The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

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What No One Tells You About Parenting Teens as a Working Mom
I can’t distinctly recall when it happened exactly. Somewhere between the “tween” and teen stage, my daughter refused to wear dresses. Or at least the dresses I would buy her. While seemingly insignificant, this drew a pretty significant line in the sand of my...

How to reclaim your own brand of leadership in uncertain times
Here I was, standing in front of a full classroom of students, not quite fully ready to step into this new academic career. Everything in my past experience, from shying away from speaking up, to a predominantly behind-the-scenes corporate career, seemed to go against...

From Exhausted Mom to Empowered Mama: Year-End Reflections
I remember being in mind-boggling traffic the day before Christmas, with still quite a few gifts left to get on my list, exhausted as could be. The year before, I had promised myself not to get to this point of exhaustion and overwhelm again during the holidays. Yet...

Is gratitude a trap for women? How to navigate the gratitude trap as a woman
I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just left a well-paying job with benefits, with no backup plan other than following my purpose. With two young children, a mortgage and bills shared with my husband, I took the most dangerous leap of faith I could have ever...

Less Goals, More Vision: 12 Steps to Audit Your Career this Year
‘Tis the season to set big, lofty career goals for the New Year. It rolls around every year, lasts about a couple of days/weeks/minutes to a month and generally ends in a puddle of unanswered emails and too long meetings. If you’ve been there, you know what I’m...

Summer Book Review: My favorite fiction books this summer
If summer is also your time to catch up on your fiction books, then you’re certainly not alone. Like many, it’s also my time to unwind and catch up on my fiction reading. There’s something about the summer months that just make you look forward to evading in a nice...
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A Grateful Heart: A Gratitude Journal for Women
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Clothed in Strength and Honor: A Daily Prayer Journal For Women
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Composition Notebook: Green & Pink Floral | 7.5″ X 9.25″ | Wide Ruled Lined 100 Pages
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Composition Notebook: Smiling Face Composition Notebook| 7.5″ X 9.25″ |
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Composition Notebook: Yellow School Bus | 7.5″ X 9.25″ | Wide Ruled Lined 100 Pages
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Girl, Get Your Confidence Back Ebook + Complimentary Workbook
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