TCS Podcast Episode 26: New Year, New Goals! How women set goals differently…
Happy New Year! In this episode, we usher in the new year by redefining how women set goals. Here, I'm discussing the research-backed gender differences in how women set goals, and what they mean for working women and moms. I'm also sharing three tips to leverage...
TCS Podcast Episode 24: The Career Reinvention Series – Part 1
Welcome to our first TCS podcast episode of 2021! We're starting this year with the Career Reinvention Series, focused on helping working women and moms chart out the path for their own career reinvention. In this first part, we're discussing reinventing our mindsets...
TCS Podcast Episode 23: Becoming an ally to black women at work
In this episode, I'm discussing allyship, more specifically how to be an ally to Black women at work. From sponsorship and mentorship, to listening in and learning, allyship is a powerful way to make a difference and contribute to increased inclusiveness and diversity...
TCS Podcast Episode 21: Working moms and the coronavirus crisis
In this episode of The Corporate Sister podcast, I’m discussing the disproportionate impact and burden of the coronavirus pandemic on working moms. From mental and physical to professional and economic consequences, working mothers are at the end of dire and quite...
TCS Podcast Episode 20: Caring for our mental health as working women and moms
In this episode of The Corporate Sister podcast, I’m discussing why and how we, as working women and working moms, should and can care for our mental health, whether through therapy or other ways of prioritizing our minds. From treating our minds as our best assets,...
TCS Podcast Episode 19: Finding your purpose right where you are
In this episode of The Corporate Sister podcast, I’m discussing how we, as working women and working moms, can go about finding purpose right where we are, on the way to where we're going. From re-assessing ourselves to leveraging the opportunities around us and being...
TCS Podcast Episode 18: Working and Living on Purpose
In this episode of The Corporate Sister podcast, I’m discussing the one thing that drives me day in and day out, and that is working and living on Purpose. Or more specifically, the 7-step framework I've been going by to find and stay on purpose in all areas of my...
TCS Podcast Episode 15: How to Survive the Summer Slump as a Working Woman
Welcome to Episode 15 of the TCS Podcast: How to Survive the Summer Slump as a Working Woman In this episode of The Corporate Sister podcast, I’m discussing how we, as working women and moms, can survive the summer slump, while still taking the time to recharge our...
TCS Podcast Episode 14: Dare to Speak Up!
Welcome to Episode 14 of the TCS Podcast! In this episode, I'm discussing what stands in the way of us, as working women, speaking up more at work, and what we can do to help ourselves show up more in and outside of the workplace. Listen in! Related: How to...
TCS Podcast Episode 13: 12 Small Business Productivity Tips
Welcome to Episode #13 of The Corporate Sister Podcast! This episode is all about Productivity in our small businesses. In the episode, I lists 12 small business productivity tips that especially apply to us as working women. SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POST TO...