
The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

The Corporate Sister

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Let it be Friday!

Let it be Friday!

Welcome to Let It Be Friday!, where I say hello (and TGIF), and round up the lifestyle, career and business news that inspired, excited, made me smile (or laugh out loud). In celebratory news, International Nurses Day was this week and we couldn't be more...

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Managing Back to School Stress and Work

Happy Thursday! Hard to believe that summer, with its vacation time, week-ends outdoors, and relaxed schedules, is almost over. And with the end of it, comes again the pressure of schedules, organization, tighter schedules, otherwise known as...back to school! As busy...

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Your Kids Are Ruining Your Career (Not)

I am a mom of two, and for the longest time, I heard the same old proverbial warnings: "Make sure you finish school before having kids", or "You know once you have kids, it's over!". Or even better, "Work hard before kids because afterwards it's all downhill from...

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