
The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

The Corporate Sister

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Let it be Friday: Weekly News Roundup

Let it be Friday: Weekly News Roundup

Welcome to Let It Be Friday!, our weekly news roundup, where I say hello (and TGIF), and round up the lifestyle, career and business news that inspired, excited, made me smile (or laugh out loud). In "big firsts for women" this week, Senator Kamala Harris made...

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7 Ways to Make It Through Election Day

7 Ways to Make It Through Election Day

The day's here! It's officially Election Day in the US. You went out and voted already, or you may be waiting to do so. That's the fun, inspiring part. The most challenging part is the...WAIT! That time between now and when the results are finally announced, and you...

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