
The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

The Corporate Sister

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Dear Working  Mom, Stop Apologizing for your Ambition

Dear Working Mom, Stop Apologizing for your Ambition

Dear Working Mom, Who told you being ambitious made you less a good mom? Whether you heard it from a well-meaning friend or family member, or implicitly understood it from society’s not-so-silent silent messaging, you’ve consciously, or unconsciously, tried to contort...

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The (Ugly) Reality About Being A Mompreneur

The (Ugly) Reality About Being A Mompreneur

This post is part of a Working Mom series run by The Corporate Sister in honor of Mother' Day. So you thought this entrepreneur thing would be all glitz and glam? That you'd finally get a full 8 hours of sleep while running your empire and keeping up with your weekly...

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