
The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

The Corporate Sister

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Let It Be Friday: News Roundup

Let It Be Friday: News Roundup

Welcome to our news roundup where we gather the news that impacted us the most around working women and working moms... In historical news this week, Black Enterprise reports Vice-President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made history as the first...

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You can be a good mom and still follow your dreams

You can be a good mom and still follow your dreams

It was a Friday afternoon, and I had logged into the NASBA website to check on my latest CPA exam section results. My heart was beating so loudly I could anticipate it exploding out of my chest. The kids were rolling on the floor, which honestly needed to be cleaned...

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