The Corporate Sister is a platform and community for and of working women and moms committed to working and living on purpose, according to their own definition of success, and promoting gender diversity in the workplace.
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TCS Podcast Episode 31: What about the maternal wall bias?
In this episode, we're discussing as part of Women's History Month, the maternal wall bias, or the bias many, if not most working and expectant mothers are seen as less competent, regardless of their actual abilities. Read more on this on the blog... Thanks for...
Too nice to lead? The Niceness Stigma and How to Lead Like a Woman
“She’s so nice!” Generally, this may sound like a kind compliment, especially as niceness and warmth is often traditionally expected of women. However, in the workplace, it can have a different meaning, one that may disregard or downgrade the perception of working...
Dear Working Mom, You’re not exhausted, You’re over-extended
Dear Working Mom is our weekly love letter to working moms everywhere, where we talk about motherhood, life, work and everything in between… Dear working mom, You’ve gone through A LOT as a working mother, juggling family, home and work, sometimes all by yourself....
This pandemic is a wake-up call for working mothers
It takes a crisis to reveal the true character of situations. The current COVID-19 pandemic, as most crisis, is revealing many, if not most of the inequities, around gender. One of the most striking manifestations of this is directly linked to parenting. The reality...
What’s Faith Gotta Do With It: Faith And Your Career
Happy Sunday! For the longest time, I avoided using the F-word at work. Not that F-word, the other one. As a matter of fact, even thinking about it at work would seem strange. And before you start even thinking we're diving into some kind of religious tangent, let me...
A Good Marriage is Not Great: Why A Good Career Won’t Do For Millenials
Happy Thursday! Marriage is not easy. Actually, if anything requires work, it would be putting two people together with different sets of toothbrushes and brains together, and then proceed to ask them to spend the rest of their lives sharing bedsheets and possibly one...
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A Grateful Heart: A Gratitude Journal for Women
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Clothed in Strength and Honor: A Daily Prayer Journal For Women
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Composition Notebook: Green & Pink Floral | 7.5″ X 9.25″ | Wide Ruled Lined 100 Pages
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Composition Notebook: Smiling Face Composition Notebook| 7.5″ X 9.25″ |
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Composition Notebook: Yellow School Bus | 7.5″ X 9.25″ | Wide Ruled Lined 100 Pages
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Girl, Get Your Confidence Back Ebook + Complimentary Workbook
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