#AskACPA: How can I keep track of my expenses in my side hustle or business?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: I’m a side hustler and small business owner? How can I keep track of the expenses in my business? One of the most frequently asked questions by small business...
For Working Women and Moms, Time Management is Not a Choice, it’s A Constant Trade-Off
Got time? What time? If you ask most working women and moms, time is not only a hard commodity to come by, especially in the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also a fluid concept that doesn’t necessarily abide by all, or most of the official time management...
Pay Yourself First: The IDEAS Framework for Strategic Time Management for Working Women and Moms
We’ve all heard about the conventional time management advice out there. From breaking down your tasks into manageable bits, to creating new habits in 21 days, most of us have, at some point or another, thought about and even implemented ways to be more strategic with...
#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup
Welcome to this week’s News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms’ careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up… Entrepreneur presents its 2021 100 Women of Impact, and we’re here for it…In the news this week,...
It’s Time to Reinvent a Simplified approach to Modern Motherhood after the Pandemic
Working mothers are hitting a wall during and as we slowly emerge from this pandemic. Millions among them are exiting the doors of their hard-earned careers for lack of adequate childcare and support. Many more are silently caving under the pressure of wearing too...
#AskACPA: What business structure should my small business have?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: What business structure is best for my side hustle and/or small business? Answer: The answer is: “It depends!” There are a number of factors that go into deciding...
Rethinking What you Want out of your Career after the Pandemic? 3 Principles to Reframe your Career
One thing that is sure about the pandemic, is that it has definitely radically altered the way we think about work, especially as working women and moms. As we went through the pandemic and watched the lines between work, life and parenting being blurred, throwing...
#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup
Welcome to this week's News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms' careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up... Black Enterprise reveals groundbreaking ophtalmologist Dr. Patricia E. Bath is set to become one...
Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?
If you’ve ever wondered about how to deal with change in your career and life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson was recommended during a professional training, igniting my curiosity. I literally devoured it in one...
#AskACPA: Should I report my side hustle income as part of my income taxes?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature, where we answer accounting, financial and business questions. Send us your questions at corporate@thecorporatesister.com. Question: Should I report my side hustle income in my taxes? The answer is yes! Any money you make through your...