
What No One Tells You About Parenting Teens as a Working Mom

I can’t distinctly recall when it happened exactly. Somewhere between the “tween” and teen stage, my daughter refused to wear dresses. Or at least the dresses I would buy her. While seemingly insignificant, this drew a pretty significant line in the sand of my...

How to reclaim your own brand of leadership in uncertain times

Here I was, standing in front of a full classroom of students, not quite fully ready to step into this new academic career. Everything in my past experience, from shying away from speaking up, to a predominantly behind-the-scenes corporate career, seemed to go against...

The Feminization of Wealth: How to Reshape Your Financial Power As a Working Woman

The other day, I innocently asked Dear Daughter why she did not ask me to go to the store instead of her dad. To which she quickly responded: “Mom, you’re kind of cheap…” After the initial maternal hurt and shock, coupled with the realization that my dear child...

On Integrating Motherhood and Career As a Working Mom

I was recently on a trip back home to Senegal to visit my aging parents. Sandwiched in between taking care of my parents, mothering my teens from a distance, and intermittently checking my work email, I realized how much motherhood had evolved for me. I was literally...

TCS Podcast Episode 58: 10 Steps to Audit Your Career

In this episode, I discuss ditching traditional career goals and instead embracing your own career vision by audting your career in the past 12 months. I discuss 10 steps to start with at the beginning of 2025 to audit your career.  Listen in! Thanks for...
Can Women Authentically Lead at Work?

Can Women Authentically Lead at Work?

“Can I lead authentically as a woman at work?” This is a question I often asked myself coming up in my own career. As a young Black woman and immigrant starting my career in corporate America, leadership was hardly ever mentioned around me. After all, I felt lucky...

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TCS Podcast Episode 45: It’s a Cruel Summer Ceiling for Working Moms!

TCS Podcast Episode 45: It’s a Cruel Summer Ceiling for Working Moms!

In this episode of the TCS podcast, I’m chatting about the cruel summer ceiling for working moms (in my best Taylor Swift voice). By summer ceiling, I mean all the obstacles facing working moms during the summer months as they juggle increased childhood, caregiving, and household responsibilities due to school closures, with career and personal demands.

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The Summer Ceiling for Working Moms is Real

The Summer Ceiling for Working Moms is Real

The summer ceiling is a harsh reality for working mothers during the summer months. Rooted in the scarcity (or lack thereof) of childcare, caregiving and household support, it is a reality that harshly pulls working mothers between family, career and even finances. Yet, it is a reality that also calls us to consider the social, economic and political factors behind it, and take action by removing the guilt, rethinking the structure of our work and lives, and getting engaged.

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10 tips to complete a PhD as a busy working mom

10 tips to complete a PhD as a busy working mom

Going back to school as a working mom is a challenge. Enrolling into a PhD program and actually completing it while raising kids, taking care of the home and being in a relationship or partnership is not for the faint of heart. As a matter of fact, it requires the...

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Book Review: Women and Money by Suze Orman

Book Review: Women and Money by Suze Orman

If you’ve ever thought of taking control of your finances as a working woman and mom, Suze Orman’s “Women and Money” book is a must-read. This revised and improved edition from her 2007 original masterpiece certainly does not disappoint when it comes to establishing,...

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TCS Podcast 41: Thriving as a Black woman at work

TCS Podcast 41: Thriving as a Black woman at work

In this episode, the first of Black History Month 2023, I discuss what it takes to thrive, and not just survive, in the workplace as a Black woman at work, and as minorities in general. More specifically, I talk about the concept of "agile authenticity", which...

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Book Review: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

Book Review: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

There are few books I’ve read that have made me feel like my experience as a working woman and a mother in general, and a Black professional woman and mom in particular, is universal. Seldom have I felt more at home than in the pages of Michelle Obama’s latest book...

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3 Financial Goals for Women to Set in the New Year

3 Financial Goals for Women to Set in the New Year

The New Year is prime time to set goals, including our financial goals. While many tend to think about general life and career goals, few really devise an approach to tackle their finances in the new year. Hence why many find themselves repeating the same negative...

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How to Set Family Goals for the New Year

How to Set Family Goals for the New Year

After becoming a mother, I started getting in the habit of setting goals for my growing family. This became all the more important as our family kept growing, and the demands of work and life in general started taking over. Achieving some semblance of balance became...

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3 Tips to Be More Consistent as Women and Moms

3 Tips to Be More Consistent as Women and Moms

If you’re like me, you know how difficult it can be to be consistent, whether at work or in life. For many, if not most of us, it can be so easy to set new goals and objectives in our minds, whether it’s being more productive at work or setting a regular gym routine....

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Ask a CPA: How to budget in tough economic times.

Ask a CPA: How to budget in tough economic times.

When times get a little, or a lot tougher economically, we often start thinking about our finances first. As working women and mothers, many of whom are the primary breadwinner in charge of the finances of our house, or on the other end of the financial spectrum,...

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How to deal with resentment as a working mom

How to deal with resentment as a working mom

How many times as a working mom have you felt a wave of resentment come up at the thought of everything you have to do day in and day out? And how many times has this resentment made you feel guilty as a result? Further, let me ask you, how many times have you even...

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TCS  Podcast Episode 34: Lead like a woman!

TCS Podcast Episode 34: Lead like a woman!

Welcome back to the TCS podcast! In episode 34 of the podcast, I'm starting a series on "leading like women". Here, I'm chatting about what characterizes women's leadership, and how to embrace it to lead authentically and powerfully.  This podcast refers to...

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Key Ways to Maintain Balance as a Work-From-Home Mom

Key Ways to Maintain Balance as a Work-From-Home Mom

Working from home has become an increasingly common option at companies. For busy moms, working from home might be a great way to maintain a full- or part-time while taking care of your kids and your home. Without a long commute or the time it takes to get ready for...

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How to craft your ideal career

How to craft your ideal career

As we emerge out of a global pandemic, more and more working women and moms are questioning the existence, purpose and legitimacy of their careers. Under the pressure created by this generalized health crisis, the lack of adequate childcare and the unequal gender...

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Dear Working Mom, Are You Doing Too Much?

Dear Working Mom, Are You Doing Too Much?

Dear Working Mom is our periodic love letter to working moms everywhere, where we deal with and unpack the challenges facing mothers and offer encouragement and support… Dear Working Mom, Are you doing too much?  If you’re reading this, you may feel a twinge of...

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Is Black Excellence a Trap for Black Women at Work?

Is Black Excellence a Trap for Black Women at Work?

In academics as well as the professional sphere, Black women have been conditioned to operate in excellence for the longest time. There is a badge of honor that comes with always showing up in your optimal capacity, especially if and when you’re the “only” Black woman...

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#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

Welcome to this week’s News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms’ careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up… ·  Entrepreneur shares 3 communication errors that negatively impact women leaders;...

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#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

Welcome to this week’s News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms’ careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up… Entrepreneur presents its 2021 100 Women of Impact, and we’re here for it…In the news this week,...

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#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup

Welcome to this week's News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms' careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up... Black Enterprise reveals groundbreaking ophtalmologist Dr. Patricia E. Bath is set to become one...

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Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?

Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?

If you’ve ever wondered about how to deal with change in your career and life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson was recommended during a professional training, igniting my curiosity. I literally devoured it in one...

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3 Ways to Leverage Change in Your Career

3 Ways to Leverage Change in Your Career

As we’re starting to emerge from the global COVID-19 pandemic, one thing we can all say is that we’ve become quite familiar with change. From one day to the other, we’ve gone from going about our daily lives the way we’ve always known, to being hunkered down in our...

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Ask A CPA: How do I account for my side hustle?

Ask A CPA: How do I account for my side hustle?

If you’re among the 45% of Americans who have a side hustle, you are in good company along with the roughly 70 million people side hustling in the U.S. If you’re a working woman, you may be part of the 51% of women who actually rely on the gig economy to make ends...

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Let It Be Friday: News Roundup

Let It Be Friday: News Roundup

Welcome to our news roundup where we gather the news that impacted us the most around working women and working moms... In historical news this week, Black Enterprise reports Vice-President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made history as the first...

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7 tips to teach confidence to kids as a working mom

7 tips to teach confidence to kids as a working mom

How do you teach confidence when you have to learn it yourself? How do you show up confidently in your personal life, especially as a mother, when you struggle with confidence in your career? What do you do to fill up the gap between being your most confident self and...

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4 tips to muster the confidence to change careers

4 tips to muster the confidence to change careers

“Do I have what it takes to change careers?” “What if I fail when I actually change careers?” If you’ve ever considered a career change, or have been through one (or many), you may have asked yourself these questions numerous times. You also know that making such a...

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7 Ways to Diversify Your Career Opportunities

7 Ways to Diversify Your Career Opportunities

Growing up, I used to hear from the women around never to put all my eggs in one basket. At the time, they were referring more to my predilection for sky high, uncomfortable heels. While I  recently (finally) started investing in sensible shoes, the advice still holds...

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4 ways to deal with micro-aggressions at work

4 ways to deal with micro-aggressions at work

Have you ever had to deal with a micro-aggression at work? Maybe it was a slight from a co-worker, or a snub from management after a well-done project. In some of the worst-case scenarios, you may have had to deal with harassment or even intimidation. Microagressions...

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Let it be Friday: News Roundup

Let it be Friday: News Roundup

Let it be Friday! is our news roundup listing news related to working women and moms. If you would like to add other news and insights, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com. Kamala Harris' op-ed in the Washington Post confirms the exodus of women away...

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Let it Be Friday : News Roundup

Let it Be Friday : News Roundup

Let it be the Weekend is our news roundup featuring career, business and lifestyle news for working women and moms. If you would like to propose some news or topics we can cover, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com This week, we salute icon Cicely...

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7 Struggles Faced by Black Women in the Workplace

7 Struggles Faced by Black Women in the Workplace

“It’s hard to explain what it feels like to be a Black woman at work.  “It feels like a long, invisible uphill battle.”  “I feel like I can’t be myself at work, that I constantly have to perform.” These are a few of the words and feelings echoed by many...

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7 Things to Let Go of in Your Career

7 Things to Let Go of in Your Career

I’m learning the power of letting go in order to grow in all areas of my life. Work is no exception, especially after experiencing a global health pandemic that taught so many of us to let go of most of what we believed we couldn't live without. It took me a while to...

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7 Ways to Open Doors for Other Women at Work

7 Ways to Open Doors for Other Women at Work

If you have ever wondered what you can do in your career to pave the way for other women, aside from being there as a working woman yourself, you are not alone. As working women, many, if not most of us, are keenly aware of the challenges we face in the workplace,...

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Let it be Friday! Weekly News Roundup

Let it be Friday! Weekly News Roundup

Welcome to our news roundup Let it be Friday! This is our first News Roundup of 2021! This is where we gather all the news and tips that impact us as working women and working moms, share a few laughs, and encourage each other in the process. Here we go... This week,...

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10 Ways Working Women Self-Sabotage

10 Ways Working Women Self-Sabotage

Have you ever found yourself self-sabotaging, whether consciously or unconsciously? Whether it’s by procrastinating, delaying the inevitable, or betraying ourselves by accepting what we don’t want, we, as working women, can unfortunately contribute to self-sabotage....

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Dear Working Mom, 2020 tried it but you made it…

Dear Working Mom, 2020 tried it but you made it…

Welcome to our periodic letter to working moms everywhere, saluting their courage, resilience and beauty… Dear Working Mom, 2020 certainly tried it, what with remote learning, job losses mostly impacting women, women-owned small businesses in peril, and a global...

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20 Women-Owned Small Business lessons from 2020

20 Women-Owned Small Business lessons from 2020

2020 has been the year of lessons for small businesses worldwide. Women-owned small businesses in particular, have been especially impacted. From the challenge of work-life balance arising from household and childcare responsibilities being shifted to women, to...

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Dear Working Mom, You Never Have to Lose Yourself

Dear Working Mom, You Never Have to Lose Yourself

Dear Working Mom is our periodic love and encouragement letter to working moms everywhere... Dear Working Mom,  Remember that time, a long while back, maybe so far back that you may not even remember, when you promised yourself never to lose yourself? Never to lose...

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How to Profit from Your Passion in 2021

How to Profit from Your Passion in 2021

2020 has certainly been a year full of surprises, but with so many economic disruptions and changes to business-as-usual in the workplace, many people are taking the opportunity to try something completely different. With so much of the global workforce continuing to...

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7 Tips For Women to Successfully Teach Remotely

7 Tips For Women to Successfully Teach Remotely

While so many teachers and professors have been accustomed to teaching in person for most of their careers, the past few months have taught us all to adapt to a new remote environment that is probably going to become the new professional norm, or at least part of it....

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How to talk to kids about politics

How to talk to kids about politics

“Mommy, who won the elections?” This question, coming from the mouth of young children, can be jarring for many, if not most parents, especially in a tense and heated election season like the one we’re currently in. How do you talk about politics with kids? Should you...

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Dear Working  Mom, Stop Apologizing for your Ambition

Dear Working Mom, Stop Apologizing for your Ambition

Dear Working Mom, Who told you being ambitious made you less a good mom? Whether you heard it from a well-meaning friend or family member, or implicitly understood it from society’s not-so-silent silent messaging, you’ve consciously, or unconsciously, tried to contort...

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Let It Be the Weekend!

Let It Be the Weekend!

Let It Be the Weekend is our news roundup of the most recent news that sparked our working moms' interest and that we want to share here... In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Google is spotlighting Latino businesses;The Corporate Sister has a few deets on...

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Who is The Corporate Sister?

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