What No One Tells You About Parenting Teens as a Working Mom
I can’t distinctly recall when it happened exactly. Somewhere between the “tween” and teen stage, my daughter refused to wear dresses. Or at least the dresses I would buy her. While seemingly insignificant, this drew a pretty significant line in the sand of my...
How to reclaim your own brand of leadership in uncertain times
Here I was, standing in front of a full classroom of students, not quite fully ready to step into this new academic career. Everything in my past experience, from shying away from speaking up, to a predominantly behind-the-scenes corporate career, seemed to go against...
The Feminization of Wealth: How to Reshape Your Financial Power As a Working Woman
The other day, I innocently asked Dear Daughter why she did not ask me to go to the store instead of her dad. To which she quickly responded: “Mom, you’re kind of cheap…” After the initial maternal hurt and shock, coupled with the realization that my dear child...
On Integrating Motherhood and Career As a Working Mom
I was recently on a trip back home to Senegal to visit my aging parents. Sandwiched in between taking care of my parents, mothering my teens from a distance, and intermittently checking my work email, I realized how much motherhood had evolved for me. I was literally...
Less Goals, More Vision: 12 Steps to Audit Your Career this Year
‘Tis the season to set big, lofty career goals for the New Year. It rolls around every year, lasts about a couple of days/weeks/minutes to a month and generally ends in a puddle of unanswered emails and too long meetings. If you’ve been there, you know what I’m...
4 Smart New Year Money Moves for Working Women and Moms
You know that sumthin’ sumthin’ about Christmas and the year-end holidays that just makes you lose a bit (or a lot) of your financial mind and neglect your money a bit (or a lot)? That feeling that you don’t need to check your bank account or credit card statement...
From Exhausted Mom to Empowered Mama: Year-End Reflections
I remember being in mind-boggling traffic the day before Christmas, with still quite a few gifts left to get on my list, exhausted as could be. The year before, I had promised myself not to get to this point of exhaustion and overwhelm again during the holidays. Yet...
4 types of gender biases in performance reviews you should look out for
As one of the only women at work, I used to dread performance review time, especially at year-end. Although I was supposed to know what to expect, it was most often a somewhat unclear, hence stressful experience. However, the more I’ve grown personally and...
Is gratitude a trap for women? How to navigate the gratitude trap as a woman
I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just left a well-paying job with benefits, with no backup plan other than following my purpose. With two young children, a mortgage and bills shared with my husband, I took the most dangerous leap of faith I could have ever...
Got Dense Breasts? Why You Should Care and How It Affects Your Breast Cancer Risk
The letter came in the mail a couple of days before I even got a chance to open it. It was a routine mammogram I thought nothing of, like most of the other mammograms I had done before. Except this one was a tad different… The word “abnormal” jumped at me from the...
From Career Sacrifice to Career Focus: Managing your Career in a Sustainable Way as a Working Woman
Have you ever wondered how you can advance your career while being a woman, wife and/or mother, and not having to work 40+ hours every week? Have you ever considered cloning yourself so you could do all the things, everywhere at the same time? You’re certainly not the...
Summer Book Review: My favorite fiction books this summer
If summer is also your time to catch up on your fiction books, then you’re certainly not alone. Like many, it’s also my time to unwind and catch up on my fiction reading. There’s something about the summer months that just make you look forward to evading in a nice...
7 Ways to Enrich Your Career In The Summer (Without Hijacking Your Summer Fun)
It’s the middle of summer, and I am trying out a new African restaurant with a colleague and a new professional acquaintance while nerding out on artificial intelligence during a work conference. Here I was, actually enjoying myself and advancing my career, while...
The Rest Bias for Women: Uncovering the Struggle and Power of Doing Nothing as a Working Woman
For the first time in my adult life, I took a month off. An entire month off, traveling, seeing new places, swimming in the ocean and mostly “being” as opposed to “doing”. And it shocked the entire heck out of my system, my overachieving, productivity-minded, A-type...
Can we talk about the heavy summer mental load for working moms? And how to unload it for good…
If you’ve found yourself drowning in summer activities’ plans, getaways, packing and unpacking for trips, all the while striving to have kids keep up with their summer work and you with yours, then you may have experienced a specific kind of mental load affecting...
At the Intersection of Work and Home: Reconciling Leading at Home and at Work as Working Women and Moms
It is often said that moms make great leaders, probably the best leaders. The invaluable, often innate skills that come from motherhood, from intuition, to organization and effective team management, are also described as main leadership qualities; qualities which...
Can Women Authentically Lead at Work?
“Can I lead authentically as a woman at work?” This is a question I often asked myself coming up in my own career. As a young Black woman and immigrant starting my career in corporate America, leadership was hardly ever mentioned around me. After all, I felt lucky...
5 Unconventional Tips to Be More Confident as a Woman Entrepreneur
Have you ever considered becoming an entrepreneur and literally shirked at the prospect of putting yourself out there? Do you feel you don’t have the confidence it takes to launch your own entrepreneurial dreams, especially in industries and areas where women are in...
Confident like a mother! On Developing Confidence as a Working Mom
The other day, I was in the middle of disciplining one of my babies (who are no longer babies), when the thought “ I have no idea what I’m doing” crossed my mind. As a Black mom of a pre-teen and a full-blown teenager, these moments in my working mom life are...
No More Confidence Bias! How I’m redefining confidence as a working woman and mom
How many times have you heard women “need to be more confident at work”? How many times have you yourself, in your own career and life experience, been told that you needed to be more confident? And if you happen to be confident, how many times have you perceived or...
Got Strategy? How to Devise Your Career Strategy in the New Year as A Working Woman
It’s the beginning of a new year, and you may be wondering which direction to take your career in in the next few months. As a matter of fact, this may very well be the question you ask yourself at the beginning of every year. As much as you may be excited (or not) at...
Woman On a Financial Mission: How to build your unique financial mission statement
Most people who know me well know I’m serious about money. I’m an accountant by trade, who also happens to teach accounting, which also means finances are often on my mind. Truthfully, I always had an inkling for it, not just when it became my main field of study and...
How to build your family mission statement as a working mom
The story was repeating itself…It was only the third day back to school after the New Year, and the kids had missed the morning school bus…Again…The morning tension was at its usual peak, what with breakfasts barely eaten, work schedules now thrown off, and moods in...
Out with the resolutions, in with the mission: 3 steps to build your own mission statement
Every year, the resolution frenzy takes over, as people all around the world make a list, however much realistic (or not), of goals they plan to accomplish during the new year. And yes, I was “people” for the longest time (and I still am)... Making a list of changes,...
30 Best Amazon Black Friday Sales for Working Women and Moms
*Please note this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn commissions for purchases made through links in these posts. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The holiday season is certainly a busy season for working women and...
TCS Podcast Episode 51: Making peace with ambition as a working woman and mom
In this podcast episode, I discuss making peace with ambition as working women and moms. For the longest time, ambition has been a double-edged sword for working women and moms. However, in this post-COVID pandemic area, women are redefining ambition for themselves......
Ambitious Like A Mother: How to fight the double-edged sword of ambition as a working mom
“You don’t need to take that certification, you’re a mom now, just take care of your kids…” I remember these words like it was yesterday. While they were intended to be well-meaning coming from one of my loved ones, they cut like a knife. I had been trying to get my...
Who runs the world? Girls – Book Review: The Power
If there were ever a book that transported me to the quintessential alternate feminist stratosphere, it would be The Power. This 2016 novel, and 2023 Oprah Book Club pick, by British author and novelist Naomi Alderman depicts a tale of gender dominance rooted in the...
Somewhere between Ambitious Girl and Lazy Girl: Women Are Re-Defining the Best of Both Worlds
Picture this…It’s Monday morning, 7am, you’ve already dropped off the kids at the bus stop and sent them off to school, fitting in a quick 10 minute walk with the dog in the process, and thrown a load of laundry in the washer…By 8am, you’ve made your plan for the day,...
Negotiate like a womanpreneur! Empowering Negotiation Tips for Women Entrepreneurs
I remember discussing my very first paid speaking engagement and being unable to even utter a price when asked. Not only did I not know what to ask for, I also did not even have the courage and personal power to determine what I was worth. As a baby entrepreneur, I...
The Mother of All Negotiations: On Negotiating Flexible Schedules and Family-Friendly Policies as Working Moms
As I started my career as a young professional woman, I was barely aware that I could negotiate my salary, let alone anything else. As I became a mother, it didn’t occur to me until a long time that I could negotiate for benefits including flexibility and other...
Negotiate like a woman! On Gender and Negotiation Working as a Working Woman
I remember perusing article over article on negotiation tips while preparing for interviews as a young career woman. I had to do my research, come in with a certain number in mind, be assertive and not give in. Yet, somehow, more times than not, I ended up not even...
Why Women are Entrepreneurs at Heart: 3 Unconventional Principles of Entrepreneurship for Women
I remember seeing women, many with babies hanging at their hips or suckling at their breasts, at the corners of sandy streets back home in Senegal, selling one product or another under the hot sun, from crackling roasted peanuts to fresh sorrel juice. At the time, I...
From vacation vibe to financial thrive: Post-summer financial recovery tips for working women and moms
I don’t know about you, but the end of the summer is always a bit of a bittersweet moment for me. The (somewhat) sweet and lazy days of summer, peppered with kids’ chaos, traveling snafus and fridges emptying at the speed of the light, quickly give room to bitter and...
Back to School Time! 3 Steps to Creating a Successful Back-to-school System
For many, if not most working women and moms, back-to-school is quite the stressful time. New schedules to coordinate, childcare to secure, administrative duties to take care of, all the while juggling the rest of their commitments because life doesn’t stop because...
Back to (better) Work: How to Restructure the Way we Work as Working women and Moms
Get up, take care of the home, go to work, come back home, take care of the home and family, and do it all over again the next day… For many working women and moms, this is the song of dance we’ve been accustomed to for generations. Despite the advances towards gender...
TCS Podcast Episode 45: It’s a Cruel Summer Ceiling for Working Moms!
In this episode of the TCS podcast, I’m chatting about the cruel summer ceiling for working moms (in my best Taylor Swift voice). By summer ceiling, I mean all the obstacles facing working moms during the summer months as they juggle increased childhood, caregiving, and household responsibilities due to school closures, with career and personal demands.
The Summer Ceiling for Working Moms is Real
The summer ceiling is a harsh reality for working mothers during the summer months. Rooted in the scarcity (or lack thereof) of childcare, caregiving and household support, it is a reality that harshly pulls working mothers between family, career and even finances. Yet, it is a reality that also calls us to consider the social, economic and political factors behind it, and take action by removing the guilt, rethinking the structure of our work and lives, and getting engaged.
10 tips to complete a PhD as a busy working mom
Going back to school as a working mom is a challenge. Enrolling into a PhD program and actually completing it while raising kids, taking care of the home and being in a relationship or partnership is not for the faint of heart. As a matter of fact, it requires the...
How to build a fulfilling and authentic career as a working woman and mom
When we think about building a great career, fulfillment and authenticity are usually not the first things that come to mind. I remember while growing up overhearing adults around me talk about what makes a great career. What I heard, and what stayed with me for the...
7 principles to unleash more of who you are (The Book)
Have you ever said to yourself, whether it was as related to a life or work situation, there’s got to be MORE? Have you ever been so sick and tired of being sick and tired of the status quo in your workplace and wondered if there is more to your career? Have you been...
“Am I a token?” Tokenism and Black women in the workplace
“Am I a token?” This is a question that many Black women, and women of color in general, ask themselves in the workplace. A rather difficult one that may awake some of the most primal fears in them, from the fear of not belonging to that of not having much value… The...
Book Review: Women and Money by Suze Orman
If you’ve ever thought of taking control of your finances as a working woman and mom, Suze Orman’s “Women and Money” book is a must-read. This revised and improved edition from her 2007 original masterpiece certainly does not disappoint when it comes to establishing,...
Ditching Hard Motherhood for Softer Mothering: Thriving instead of surviving as working moms
Motherhood is beautiful. Yet, for many working mothers, especially in the US, especially in the past few years peppered with global pandemics, political and economic woes, motherhood has been "hard". Hard is not often a word that we want to associate with being a...
TCS Podcast 41: Thriving as a Black woman at work
In this episode, the first of Black History Month 2023, I discuss what it takes to thrive, and not just survive, in the workplace as a Black woman at work, and as minorities in general. More specifically, I talk about the concept of "agile authenticity", which...
Thriving authentically as a double-minority at work: Agile authenticity as a black woman in the workplace
In her book “ The Light We Carry”, Michelle Obama discusses the many challenges of navigating being a black woman in any type of workplace, many of which she experienced herself in her professional life and as First Lady of the United States. She refers to being a...
TCS Podcast Episode 40: Planning for work-life integration this year
Welcome back to the TCS podcast! In this episode, I chat about planning for work-life integration instead of work-life balance. How about planning to integrate all the areas and aspects of our lives and careers, instead of compartmentalizing and attempting to balance...
Not enough time, money or resources for self-care? 4 Simple Ways to Care for Yourself
Self-care? What self-care? That’s the question many working women and moms ask themselves (and others) when constantly pummeled with the urgency of self-care. When everything else is urgent, from the kids’ school activities to professional responsibilities and...
How to plan for more work-life integration as a working woman and mom
When we think of working women and moms, we often think of work-life balance, this elusive Eldorado of perfect (or semi-perfect) equilibrium between motherhood, work, and life in general. An elusive Eldorado that has yet to be proven true, and whose impracticality and...
How to plan a successful career when you have no blueprint, limited time and resources
It’s one thing to set career goals at the beginning of the year. It’s another to actually devise a plan to reach those goals, especially as busy working women and moms. Many of us set ambitious goals as a new year, or even a new season begins, only to get stuck...
TCS Podcast Episode 39: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Goals for 2023
In this episode, I discuss 10 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals for 2023, as part of our professional goals. Here are some of the book resources cited in this episode: The Leaders’ Guide to Unconscious Bias: How to Reframe Bias, Cultivate Connection and...
Book Review: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama
There are few books I’ve read that have made me feel like my experience as a working woman and a mother in general, and a Black professional woman and mom in particular, is universal. Seldom have I felt more at home than in the pages of Michelle Obama’s latest book...
6 Best Ways Women Can Avoid the Inflated ‘Pink Tax’
Although it is not a tax, the "pink tax" refers to a pricing structure favoring women's goods and services. According to BALANCE, women pay around 13 percent more for personal care items like body wash, shampoo, lotions, and perfume than men. Even razors targeted at...
How to fight weaponized incompetence at work and home
Let me ask you: When was the last time you decided to tidy up the kitchen yourself because no one else at home would do it, or do it right for that matter? How about taking over the task of organizing lunches and get-togethers in your department at work? Or even...
10 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Goals for the New Year
Many are the professional goals set at the beginning of each new year, both at the individual and at the company level. However, little attention is often paid to diversity and inclusion goals as part of these. Yet, diversity and inclusion are an important part of...
TCS Podcast episode 38: Less Resolutions, More Consistency in 2023!
In this podcast episode, the first in the new year 2023, I discuss skipping the usual resolutions and instead going for consistency in 2023! If you're like me, you may pick a word of the year at the beginning of each year to give your year more focus and direction....
3 Financial Goals for Women to Set in the New Year
The New Year is prime time to set goals, including our financial goals. While many tend to think about general life and career goals, few really devise an approach to tackle their finances in the new year. Hence why many find themselves repeating the same negative...
How to Set Family Goals for the New Year
After becoming a mother, I started getting in the habit of setting goals for my growing family. This became all the more important as our family kept growing, and the demands of work and life in general started taking over. Achieving some semblance of balance became...
3 Tips to Be More Consistent as Women and Moms
If you’re like me, you know how difficult it can be to be consistent, whether at work or in life. For many, if not most of us, it can be so easy to set new goals and objectives in our minds, whether it’s being more productive at work or setting a regular gym routine....
How to deal with layoffs as a working woman and mom
As layoffs have been sweeping the business and corporate landscape recently in areas such as tech for instance, many have been directly or indirectly impacted by it. Many working women and/or their partners are currently dealing with layoffs, and having to adjust to...
Ask a CPA: How to budget in tough economic times.
When times get a little, or a lot tougher economically, we often start thinking about our finances first. As working women and mothers, many of whom are the primary breadwinner in charge of the finances of our house, or on the other end of the financial spectrum,...
How to build a schedule that works better for you.
How many times have you wondered why there are not more hours in a day? How many times have you been so frazzled, stressed, and paralyzed at the thought that you don't have enough time to do everything that's on your plate? And how often do you find yourself at the...
Got Purpose? How to nurture your dreams despite the pressures of work and life
Do you have a vision for your life? Do you sense a higher purpose for yourself? Yet, are you finding that the various parts of your life, including your family, career, passions and interests pull you into too many directions to allow you to bring this vision to life?...
How to deal with resentment as a working mom
How many times as a working mom have you felt a wave of resentment come up at the thought of everything you have to do day in and day out? And how many times has this resentment made you feel guilty as a result? Further, let me ask you, how many times have you even...
Ask a CPA: How can I reduce my taxable income so I can pay less taxes?
Question: My husband and I have been enjoying earning more over the years in our careers. However, our tax bill has also been going up. What can we do to avoid paying so much in taxes? Signed, Overtaxed Mama Hi Overtaxed Mama, I so hear you! As we grow into our...
TCS Podcast Episode 37: Run Your Career Like a Successful Business
In this podcast episode, I am discussing running our careers as business women and/or moms, like successful, efficient and effective businesses. I chat about three(3) principles from accounting that can help us manage our own careers, and empower ourselves to make the...
3 Simple Accounting Principles to Run Your Career like A Successful Business
What do the most successful businesses have in common? They’re run efficiently like well-oiled machines. Most importantly, they use systems and processes to create efficiencies and minimize time waste. As busy working women and moms, whose most precious commodity is...
TCS Podcast Episode 36: Less Hustle, More Alignment
In this episode, I'm discussing steering away from the hustle in our careers as working women and moms, and instead towards more alignment in the work we do and by extension in the lives we live. In the episode, I also discuss how this requires us to be...
Achieve More With Less: 3 simple principles to do more with less in your career
Have you ever hit a wall in your career where you were just too exhausted to keep going? Have you ever wondered how to create more hours in the day to get all your work done? Have you tried many different ways to get more done and have come up with abysmal results? I...
Feeling trapped? 3 tips to reclaim your freedom as a working mom
If you’ve ever felt trapped by motherhood, somewhere between unloading the umpteenth load of laundry and answering the last email of the day on the kitchen table, you may have also felt like you should have never felt that way. You may have experienced such strong...
How to create more freedom in your career as a working woman
Whether you’re working in the office or from home, the feeling of being trapped in your career is one you may be all too familiar with. It’s this sense of not having agency over the very work you do, or even worse, how you spend your time at work. Even worse, it can...
Ask a CPA: How can I create more freedom in my finances?
Ask a CPA is our periodic column addressing accounting and financial questions for working women and moms. Got an accounting or financial-related question? Please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com Q: I often feel defeated and disempowered in my personal...
From business to career: How the SWOT analysis can help you thrive as a working woman
Have you ever used a SWOT analysis in the business you serve, or in your own business? If you have, you may know it as a powerful tool of business evaluation, whereby an organization evaluates its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). However, you...
Motherhood is Leadership: 3 Strategies to Leverage Motherhood’s Transferrable Skills at Work
If you’re a working mother, you may have struggled with expressing the fact that you are a mom in certain, or all, professional settings. Like many, you may have felt that motherhood may be perceived as a career hindrance, and not an asset. You may have even...
TCS Podcast Episode 34: Lead like a woman!
Welcome back to the TCS podcast! In episode 34 of the podcast, I'm starting a series on "leading like women". Here, I'm chatting about what characterizes women's leadership, and how to embrace it to lead authentically and powerfully. This podcast refers to...
Leading like women: Redefining leadership as working women
During a workshop I had the pleasure of leading on working with purpose, most of the women in the group listed the same or similar strengths. Among these, were innovation, creativity, effective crisis management, to cite just a few. As we looked at each other, we not...
Hyper-sensitive? How to turn your hyper-sensitivity into an asset at work
Do you get overwhelmed when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? Do you feel the need to take breaks during busy days to get some relief? As a child, were you perceived as “shy”, sensitive or introverted by your famiy and friends? If you’re reading the...
Dear Working Mom, It’s OK not to be OK: Maternal Depression is Not a Weakness
Dear Working Mom, I know most days you have too much on your plate to think about your mental health! As you furiously work through your to-do list, lugging the kids from one appointment to the other, often not getting enough sleep as you make up for work and...
3 Ways People-pleasing Negatively Affects Your Career (and What to Do About It)
Do you have the tendency to put others’ needs before your own? Do you feel like in order to gain acceptance, approval and even love from others, you must bend over backwards for them? Or do you overly focus on others more than you do on yourself? If you’ve nodded...
Why Gender Inequality is Bad Business for Women’s Mental Health…
If you’ve ever experienced stress, anxiety or even depression from experiencing or being exposed to gender-based violence or discrimination, you’ve experienced some of the psychological effects of gender inequality. Indeed, gender Inequality is not only bad for...
Dear Working Mom, You Don’t Have to Get it Right
“Girls, I know it has not been easy as I have tried to navigate the challenges of juggling my career and motherhood. And I fully admit that I did not always get the balance right. But I hope that you have seen that with hard work, determination, and love, it can be...
The “She-Tax”: How tax policy is fueling gender bias
As you file your taxes every year, have you ever wondered if there is an element of gender bias embedded in the tax policy? As a Certified Public Accountant and a working woman and mom, I’ve often asked myself the question. And if you have, then you definitely are on...
TCS Podcast Episode 32: Spring cleaning time for gender equity at work!
In this episode, I discuss the world of work changing for working women and mothers with the advent of the pandemic and the numerous challenges it has brought on... Through this episode, we chat about how the workplace was not made with women and mothers in...
It’s Spring Cleaning Time for Gender Equity at Work…
Someone once said, in order to remove the dirt and unwanted substances from a rug, you have to shake it. So it is of society. It often takes a hard shake to first uncover, and then remove the deep inequities and inequalities plaguing our ways of life and work. To...
TCS Podcast Episode 31: What about the maternal wall bias?
In this episode, we're discussing as part of Women's History Month, the maternal wall bias, or the bias many, if not most working and expectant mothers are seen as less competent, regardless of their actual abilities. Read more on this on the blog... Thanks for...
Too nice to lead? The Niceness Stigma and How to Lead Like a Woman
“She’s so nice!” Generally, this may sound like a kind compliment, especially as niceness and warmth is often traditionally expected of women. However, in the workplace, it can have a different meaning, one that may disregard or downgrade the perception of working...
Forget the glass ceiling…The Maternal Wall Bias Is the Worst Obstacle Faced by Working Moms
“ Will you be able to resume your functions after baby?” “ Are you able to effectively work from home with your children?” “Shouldn’t you be home with your kids?” These are only some of the questions and assumptions many, if not most, working moms face in the...
Key Ways to Maintain Balance as a Work-From-Home Mom
Working from home has become an increasingly common option at companies. For busy moms, working from home might be a great way to maintain a full- or part-time while taking care of your kids and your home. Without a long commute or the time it takes to get ready for...
How to craft your ideal career
As we emerge out of a global pandemic, more and more working women and moms are questioning the existence, purpose and legitimacy of their careers. Under the pressure created by this generalized health crisis, the lack of adequate childcare and the unequal gender...
TCS Podcast Episode 30: Navigating Racial Trauma in the Workplace
This episode is part of our “Black Women at Work” series in honor of Black History Month. In this episode, I'm exploring how we, as working women and moms, can navigate and combat racial trauma in the workplace. Listen in! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for...
Dear Working Mom, Are You Doing Too Much?
Dear Working Mom is our periodic love letter to working moms everywhere, where we deal with and unpack the challenges facing mothers and offer encouragement and support… Dear Working Mom, Are you doing too much? If you’re reading this, you may feel a twinge of...
TCS Podcast Episode 29: 7 Struggles faced by Black Women at Work
This episode is part of our "Black Women at Work" series in honor of Black History Month. Today, we're discussing the 7 most common struggles faced by Black women in the workplace. From lack of representation to lack of access to higher levels of management, there are...
Is Black Excellence a Trap for Black Women at Work?
In academics as well as the professional sphere, Black women have been conditioned to operate in excellence for the longest time. There is a badge of honor that comes with always showing up in your optimal capacity, especially if and when you’re the “only” Black woman...
#AskACPA: Women entrepreneurs face gender bias when raising funds. Here are 7 Small Business Grants for Women Entrepreneurs
In the world of entrepreneurship, funding is a vital source of growth. However, for many, if not most female entrepreneurs, it’s also a major obstacle. As a matter of fact, one third of the world’s female entrepreneurs face gender bias when attempting to raise capital...
Equity Compensation is the Other Gender Pay Gap We Don’t Talk About…
In 2020, a Pew Research Center analysis revealed women earned 84% of their male counterparts’ earnings. The gap is even deeper for Black and Latina women, who respectively earn 65% and 59% of white men’s earnings. This is not recent news, as the...
TCS Podcast Episode 28: Making a plan to achieve your goals in 2022
In this episode, I discuss how we, as working women and moms, can make a plan to reach our goals this year, minus the stress, disappointment and time wasted... Listen in! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you...
#AskaCPA: 3 ways to transition your business into the new year as a female business owner
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: As a woman small business owner, what are tips to transition into the new year? Entering a new year as an entrepreneur, whether you have a side hustle or full-time...
TCS Podcast Episode 27: Transitioning into the New Year as a Woman at Work
In this episode, I delve into 3 tips to transition into the New Year as a woman at work. While we discussed setting goals in last episode, here we dig into the work to do to actually effectively cross the threshold from one year to the other at work. Listen in!...
Working Moms Are Facing the Same Issues this New Year. There are a few ways organizations can help….
Making the transition to a new year can be quite a daunting process. Making the transition to a new year in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, school and daycare closures, a general movement of career resignation, in a time riddled with social and political...
New Year, New Transitions! 3 Steps to Transition to the New Year at Work as a Working Woman
New year, new transitions. While the rest of the world is busy setting goals it may or may not accomplish in the next twelve months, what is barely spoken about is the challenging need to transition from one year to the next. When it comes to work, this transition can...
TCS Podcast Episode 26: New Year, New Goals! How women set goals differently…
Happy New Year! In this episode, we usher in the new year by redefining how women set goals. Here, I'm discussing the research-backed gender differences in how women set goals, and what they mean for working women and moms. I'm also sharing three tips to leverage...
#AskaCPA: Got Small Business Goals? 3 Goals for Women-Owned Small Businesses in 2022
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: As a woman small business owner, what goals should I have for my small business this year? New year goals are not just for individuals. They’re also for businesses...
The New Working Motherhood: 10 Goals Every Working Mom Should Have in 2022
If there is any time in recent memory that has marked working motherhood, it is definitely the global COVID-19 health pandemic of the past couple of years. Not only have working mothers been at the forefront of this crisis, carrying the brunt of it on the work and...
Women Set Goals Differently than Men. This is How You Can Use It to Set Better Goals this Year…
Every year towards somewhere from the beginning to the end of December, the oh so familiar goal-setting, resolution-making dance starts again. From setting SMART goals to building vision boards, it’s all about setting intentions, objectives and/or resolutions for the...
Holiday Stress is the Other Silent Pandemic for Working Moms. It doesn’t have to be this way…
Holiday stress is real. For working moms, it’s all too real. So much so that it can rightfully be considered the other silent pandemic for working moms. One that takes a heavy psychological, mental and certainly physical toll on working mothers tasked with the oh so...
Performance reviews are riddled with gender bias. Here’s how you can fight it…
Performance reviews are stressful. No matter how well you did, or how positive your experience may have been, the fact is, being evaluated on your performance can trigger a certain amount of stress. Especially if you’re a working woman, as gender bias, in...
#AskACPA: How should I go about closing my accounting books at year-end?
elcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: I’m a side hustler and small business owner? How should I go about closing my accounting books at year-end? One question that is often asked by small business owners...
3 Simple Tips to Ace your Remote Performance Review in 2021
Performance reviews are no longer what they used to be. Remember when you used to stress out about your review for days, and prepare for the BIG day by putting your best foot (and outfit) forward, and attempting to master your nerves for the entirety of the review...
How to boost your career (without losing your sanity) at year-end as a working mom
The end of the year is a particularly busy time, especially for working women and moms. Not only are most of the holiday-related tasks, including gift-buying and giving, as well as hosting and prepping, on women’s to-do lists, but work responsibilities also tend to...
Financial Stress During the Holidays? Here’s how to save more through the holiday season as a working mom
As much as many of us look forward to the holidays, there’s no denying that they can also be quite the stressful financial time, especially for working moms. As the imbalance in the sharing of household responsibilities persists throughout the pandemic and beyond,...
#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup
Welcome to this week’s News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms’ careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up… · Entrepreneur shares 3 communication errors that negatively impact women leaders;...
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is Everyone’s Responsibility: 3 Ways You Can Advocate for More DEI at Work
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has been a hot topic in the recent years, as companies and organizations have been striving to being more inclusive, equitable and diverse. However, there is obviously still much learning and work to do around ways to advocate for...
Got Working Mom Burnout? Tips to Cope with Over-exhaustion as a working mother
Being a working mom is hard. Being a working mom during and in the slow aftermath of a global health crisis and pandemic is beyond hard. Things were already challenging before the pandemic, from working in and outside of the home, wearing too many hats to remember,...
Flexible Much? How to manage the blessed trap of flexibility as a working mom
Flexible Much? How to manage the blessed trap of flexibility as a working mom
#AskACPA: How can I keep track of my expenses in my side hustle or business?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: I’m a side hustler and small business owner? How can I keep track of the expenses in my business? One of the most frequently asked questions by small business...
For Working Women and Moms, Time Management is Not a Choice, it’s A Constant Trade-Off
Got time? What time? If you ask most working women and moms, time is not only a hard commodity to come by, especially in the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also a fluid concept that doesn’t necessarily abide by all, or most of the official time management...
Pay Yourself First: The IDEAS Framework for Strategic Time Management for Working Women and Moms
We’ve all heard about the conventional time management advice out there. From breaking down your tasks into manageable bits, to creating new habits in 21 days, most of us have, at some point or another, thought about and even implemented ways to be more strategic with...
#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup
Welcome to this week’s News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms’ careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up… Entrepreneur presents its 2021 100 Women of Impact, and we’re here for it…In the news this week,...
It’s Time to Reinvent a Simplified approach to Modern Motherhood after the Pandemic
Working mothers are hitting a wall during and as we slowly emerge from this pandemic. Millions among them are exiting the doors of their hard-earned careers for lack of adequate childcare and support. Many more are silently caving under the pressure of wearing too...
#AskACPA: What business structure should my small business have?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature where we answer financial, accounting and business questions. Question: What business structure is best for my side hustle and/or small business? Answer: The answer is: “It depends!” There are a number of factors that go into deciding...
Rethinking What you Want out of your Career after the Pandemic? 3 Principles to Reframe your Career
One thing that is sure about the pandemic, is that it has definitely radically altered the way we think about work, especially as working women and moms. As we went through the pandemic and watched the lines between work, life and parenting being blurred, throwing...
#SheDidThat: The Corporate Sister News Roundup
Welcome to this week's News Roundup, where we chat about what happened in the news around working women and moms' careers, businesses, parenting and lifestyles. Read up... Black Enterprise reveals groundbreaking ophtalmologist Dr. Patricia E. Bath is set to become one...
Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?
If you’ve ever wondered about how to deal with change in your career and life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson was recommended during a professional training, igniting my curiosity. I literally devoured it in one...
#AskACPA: Should I report my side hustle income as part of my income taxes?
Welcome to our #AskACPA feature, where we answer accounting, financial and business questions. Send us your questions at corporate@thecorporatesister.com. Question: Should I report my side hustle income in my taxes? The answer is yes! Any money you make through your...
3 Ways to Leverage Change in Your Career
As we’re starting to emerge from the global COVID-19 pandemic, one thing we can all say is that we’ve become quite familiar with change. From one day to the other, we’ve gone from going about our daily lives the way we’ve always known, to being hunkered down in our...
To PhD or not to PhD? 3 Reasons to Get a Terminal Degree in your Field
To PhD or not to PhD? Making the decision to pursue a terminal degree is no easy feat. Making the decision to pursue a terminal degree as a working woman or working mom may downright be one of the toughest decisions you’ll have to make in your career and life. Going...
Ask A CPA: How do I account for my side hustle?
If you’re among the 45% of Americans who have a side hustle, you are in good company along with the roughly 70 million people side hustling in the U.S. If you’re a working woman, you may be part of the 51% of women who actually rely on the gig economy to make ends...
Overcommitted? How to use the Rule of 3 to streamline your schedule and avoid burnout
How many times have you started your week overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work staring you in the face? From your professional to your personal responsibilities, your schedule can easily have you going insane before you even begin your day, especially as a working...
Fear of success or fear of failure? How to address the fear that you might actually make it
Have you ever stood at the door of an incredible opportunity, and wanted nothing less than to run the other way? How many times have you anticipated with dread the possibility that you may actually win? Have you ever feared actually making it, rather than failing at...
3 tips to equalize the invisible mental load with your partner as a working mom
If you are a working mom yourself, the mental load involved in running a household and caring for children is no surprise to you by now. Truth is, many working moms feel quite alone carrying this invisible load, as their partner and society at large are often...
Ask A CPA: 3 tips to reset your small business after the pandemic
As a small business owner, you may have been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. You are certainly not alone. While countless businesses have literally sunk under the economic, societal and political effects of the pandemic, small business have suffered...
3 ways to reset your work-life boundaries as a working mom
There are moments as a working mom when overwhelm just takes over, and you realize the boundaries between work and life have been significantly blurred. While work-life balance is but an elusive ideal, unclear or blurred boundaries between your career and life can...
Career trauma is real. Here’s how you can recover from it…
Career trauma is real. If you’ve ever experienced it, you know firsthand the destructive impact it can have, not just on your work, but literally on all areas of your life. Many are the accounts of fellow working women and moms who have suffered horribly from the...
Unhealed trauma may be killing your career. Why mental healing should be part of your career strategy
A woman suffering from severe trauma from being psychologically abused in her childhood once told me about not being able to speak up at work to save her life. Another woman who’s had a difficult relationship with her mother revealed to me she could not trust any...
Work or mental health? The impossible choice facing working women and moms
If you spend the majority of your time at work, it’s safe to say your career definitely has an impact on your life. Even if you’re working reduced hours or part-time, the quality of the hours spent working is bound to have an indelible effect on you. This is...
Let It Be Friday: News Roundup
Welcome to our news roundup where we gather the news that impacted us the most around working women and working moms... In historical news this week, Black Enterprise reports Vice-President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made history as the first...
5 Negative Misconceptions About Working Moms You May Have Faced
There are many false myths surrounding working mothers, most of which carry their fair share of negativity and judgment. These are oftentimes erroneous ideas about what it means to be a striving, growing and thriving working mom. Unfortunately, these are also ideas...
Ask a CPA: This new bill provides tax credits to women and minority-owned small businesses
Small businesses owned by women and people of color, have historically been under-represented and under-capitalized. More specifically, women-owned businesses’ share of business revenues has consistently remained at roughly 4% for the past 20 years. This is what a new...
Dear Working Mom, Don’t be Afraid to Take the Next Step in your Career
Dear Working Mom is our periodic love letter to working moms everywhere, dealing with motherhood, career, and lifestyle topics... Dear Working Mom, You may have considered the next step in your career for quite some time now. You may have asked yourself a thousand...
How to navigate racial trauma at work as a working woman and mom
2020 has exposed racial trauma in a way no one could have predicted, especially as it was coupled with a global pandemic and a loss of much of our sense of normalcy. For mothers faced with the painful and public images of this racial trauma, it has...
5 tips to transition to a hybrid work environment for working moms
As we hopefully near the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the drastic changes it’s brought to the way we work, especially as working women and moms, are undeniable. From shifting the work dynamic for women and moms, resulting in countless job losses for women and the...
Reclaiming Your Time and Sanity During Meal Time As a Working Mom with Yumble Kids
Disclaimed: Please note this is a sponsored post. I may be compensated if you use the links in this post to make a purchase. Thank you for reading! If you’re a working mom, and have ever gotten home after work, and stood in front of the fridge wondering what in the...
7 types of rest you need as a working woman and mom
Have you ever felt absolutely exhausted, even after getting a full night’s sleep? Do you feel like you can’t quite seem to recharge your batteries, no matter how many #selfcare threads you post on social media? Has the pandemic made it even worse, especially as a...
7 tips to teach confidence to kids as a working mom
How do you teach confidence when you have to learn it yourself? How do you show up confidently in your personal life, especially as a mother, when you struggle with confidence in your career? What do you do to fill up the gap between being your most confident self and...
4 tips to muster the confidence to change careers
“Do I have what it takes to change careers?” “What if I fail when I actually change careers?” If you’ve ever considered a career change, or have been through one (or many), you may have asked yourself these questions numerous times. You also know that making such a...
How Mirza is Helping Break the Motherhood Penalty for Working Moms
Have you ever wondered if you'd ever had to choose between motherhood and your career? If you'd ever had to roll the dice to decide of the best time to have the baby, or go for the promotion, or even change career paths to have more flexibility? Like many, if not most...
7 Ways to Diversify Your Career Opportunities
Growing up, I used to hear from the women around never to put all my eggs in one basket. At the time, they were referring more to my predilection for sky high, uncomfortable heels. While I recently (finally) started investing in sensible shoes, the advice still holds...
Working moms are trapped by the false idea of work-life balance. And it’s time for it to stop…
As I was preparing for a presentation on women at work , one of the recurring questions that came forth was: “Will this career allow me to be a mom and have work-life balance?” First, the term itself, work-life balance makes me cringe at every turn. In a modern...
4 ways to deal with micro-aggressions at work
Have you ever had to deal with a micro-aggression at work? Maybe it was a slight from a co-worker, or a snub from management after a well-done project. In some of the worst-case scenarios, you may have had to deal with harassment or even intimidation. Microagressions...
Let it be Friday: News Roundup
Let it be Friday! is our news roundup listing news related to working women and moms. If you would like to add other news and insights, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com. Kamala Harris' op-ed in the Washington Post confirms the exodus of women away...
Black Working Moms Are Disproportionately Impacted by the Pandemic: 22 Organizations that Can Help.
If you are a working mom during this pandemic, you certainly have been brutalized by this pandemic. From the lack of childcare to the exodus of women from the workforce, not to mention the astounding and growing imbalance of weight of household chores, the impact...
Can You Really be Real at Work? The double-bind of authenticity for Black women in the workplace
Authenticity has become quite the buzzword lately. So much revolves around being more authentic, showing up as your “real” self, being more “real”…All you have to do is pop open any social media platform, from Instagram to Facebook, to come face-to-face with some...
Ask a CPA: 2 Simple Ways to Increase Your Net Worth as a Working Woman
Welcome to my “Ask A CPA” feature. This is where the nerdy CPA in me comes out and shares some actionable and practical personal finance, business and accounting tools and tips for working women. Got any business or accounting questions? Send them my way...
4 Tips to Leverage Being the Only Black Woman in the Room
“What if I’m the only one in the room?”I used to be petrified to be the only one in the room, the only woman, the only Black woman, the only introverted, the only one with natural hair, etc...It’s a common fear we have as working women, especially as Black women in...
Let it Be Friday : News Roundup
Let it be the Weekend is our news roundup featuring career, business and lifestyle news for working women and moms. If you would like to propose some news or topics we can cover, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com This week, we salute icon Cicely...
7 Struggles Faced by Black Women in the Workplace
“It’s hard to explain what it feels like to be a Black woman at work. “It feels like a long, invisible uphill battle.” “I feel like I can’t be myself at work, that I constantly have to perform.” These are a few of the words and feelings echoed by many...
3 Steps to Develop A New Professional Identity as a Working Woman
“Who am I professionally?” I remember asking myself this question the very first time I attended a networking event and had to answer the question: “So, what do you do?” I also remember asking myself this same question at every critical turn of my life and career,...
7 Things to Let Go of in Your Career
I’m learning the power of letting go in order to grow in all areas of my life. Work is no exception, especially after experiencing a global health pandemic that taught so many of us to let go of most of what we believed we couldn't live without. It took me a while to...
3 Steps to Create Your Career Reinvention Plan in 2021
In 2020, we all learned to survive in the face of a global health pandemic, an economic crisis and the unfortunate losses of so many of the advances accomplished in diversity and gender equity. Now in 2021, we learn to reinvent ourselves and strive, what with all the...
7 Ways to Open Doors for Other Women at Work
If you have ever wondered what you can do in your career to pave the way for other women, aside from being there as a working woman yourself, you are not alone. As working women, many, if not most of us, are keenly aware of the challenges we face in the workplace,...
“I may be the first, but I won’t be the last”: On the power of being the first and opening doors for other women
At the time I’m writing these words, history has been made, yet again. Kamala Harris was just sworn in as the first woman, the first Black person, and the first woman of Asian descent to serve as Vice-President in the United States of America. This is history being...
Dear Working Mom, Sometimes Motherhood is Everything and Sometimes it’s not Enough, and that’s ok…
Dear Working Mom is our periodic letter to working moms everywhere, where we talk about the challenges, joys and everything in between for working moms… Dear Working Mom, Remember when Miranda admitted to Charlotte in the Sex and the City sequel movie that although...
Let it be Friday! Weekly News Roundup
Welcome to our news roundup Let it be Friday! This is our first News Roundup of 2021! This is where we gather all the news and tips that impact us as working women and working moms, share a few laughs, and encourage each other in the process. Here we go... This week,...
TCS Podcast Episode 24: The Career Reinvention Series – Part 1
Welcome to our first TCS podcast episode of 2021! We're starting this year with the Career Reinvention Series, focused on helping working women and moms chart out the path for their own career reinvention. In this first part, we're discussing reinventing our mindsets...
10 Ways Working Women Self-Sabotage
Have you ever found yourself self-sabotaging, whether consciously or unconsciously? Whether it’s by procrastinating, delaying the inevitable, or betraying ourselves by accepting what we don’t want, we, as working women, can unfortunately contribute to self-sabotage....
Procrastinate Much? Why working women procrastinate and what to do about it
Have you ever put off an important task until the last minute without understanding why you were even procrastinating this much? Have you been struggling with getting much done, especially when working from home? Are you quick to give in to the temptation to be...
Scared of success? How to fight your fear of success and build confidence as a working woman
Have you ever thought of being successful and then got scared of it all at once? Does the prospect of success fill you with both excitement and dread? Do you look at other successful women wondering what it would feel like to reach your dreams but not quite daring to...
Dear Working Mom, 2020 tried it but you made it…
Welcome to our periodic letter to working moms everywhere, saluting their courage, resilience and beauty… Dear Working Mom, 2020 certainly tried it, what with remote learning, job losses mostly impacting women, women-owned small businesses in peril, and a global...
20 Women-Owned Small Business lessons from 2020
2020 has been the year of lessons for small businesses worldwide. Women-owned small businesses in particular, have been especially impacted. From the challenge of work-life balance arising from household and childcare responsibilities being shifted to women, to...
20 Life and Career Lessons from 2020 for Working Women and Moms
2020 was a lot of things, but one sure thing it was, was a year of lessons. From the global angst of an uncontrollable pandemic to the anxious frustration of quarantine, not to mention the aggravated stress of an ever-looming financial and economic pit and the...
It All Starts in Your Mind: 3 tips to Reinvent your Career Mindset for Success
“Knowledge without wisdom is like water in sand.” – African Proverb Too often, especially as working women victims of the proverbial “glass ceiling” in corporations or other obstacles to career advancement, we may look to tirelessly improve our knowledge and the...
Dear Working Mom, You Never Have to Lose Yourself
Dear Working Mom is our periodic love and encouragement letter to working moms everywhere... Dear Working Mom, Remember that time, a long while back, maybe so far back that you may not even remember, when you promised yourself never to lose yourself? Never to lose...
How to Profit from Your Passion in 2021
2020 has certainly been a year full of surprises, but with so many economic disruptions and changes to business-as-usual in the workplace, many people are taking the opportunity to try something completely different. With so much of the global workforce continuing to...
10 On-the-Go Activities to Develop Yourself in Your Spare Time As a Busy Working Mom
The older I got, the more I realized how precious of a commodity time is, especially as a busy working mom. One of the things that often gets overlooked is our self-development, sacrificed at the altar of all the other obligations of my life. The more I also realized...
Crisis or Blessing? How to transform your career after a crisis
Did you experience a crisis that forced you to re-define your entire career? Maybe it was a personal tragedy that rocked you to the core, a wrenching loss, or even a long-awaited change that shuffled the cards of your life and work…Whatever it was, it created a more...
Dear Working Mom, ‘Tis The Season to Preserve Your Sanity…
Dear Working Mom is our periodic love letter to working moms everywhere, where we encourage and support working moms through the issues and challenges they face. Dear Working Mom, You know the feeling…That tightness in your chest as the holidays approach and you...
7 Best Tips for Women-Owned Small Businesses to Survive During Tough Times
During any regular time, starting and maintaining a small business is a challenge. From developing a viable business plan, to raising capital and managing revenue and expenses, it’s no small feat. As a matter of fact, 15% of small businesses fail in their first...
Women and Career Reinvention: 7 Strategies to Reinvent Your Work At Any Age
A few years back, I had the opportunity and privilege to transition for a corporate career to an academic one. While at the time, the shift was terrifying, it proved to be one of the most fulfilling and purpose-filled experiences of my life. Through this transition,...
7 Tips For Women to Successfully Teach Remotely
While so many teachers and professors have been accustomed to teaching in person for most of their careers, the past few months have taught us all to adapt to a new remote environment that is probably going to become the new professional norm, or at least part of it....
How to Deal with Political Tension at Work as a Working Woman
In these pandemic-ridden and politically ripe days, avoiding the topic of politics at work is all but practical or possible. In an era where politics come knocking on our front door and invade every area of our personal and public lives, what with COVID-related...
How to talk to kids about politics
“Mommy, who won the elections?” This question, coming from the mouth of young children, can be jarring for many, if not most parents, especially in a tense and heated election season like the one we’re currently in. How do you talk about politics with kids? Should you...
Dear Working Mom, Stop Apologizing for your Ambition
Dear Working Mom, Who told you being ambitious made you less a good mom? Whether you heard it from a well-meaning friend or family member, or implicitly understood it from society’s not-so-silent silent messaging, you’ve consciously, or unconsciously, tried to contort...
How to increase your visibility as a working woman during virtual calls
Being visible and heard as a working woman during meetings is already a challenge as it is. Between instances of “mainsplaining”, constant interruptions and the well-known imposter syndrome, the obstacles preventing women from being heard in meetings are numerous. The...
Top Tips to Ace Your Remote Interview as a Working Woman
In these times of pandemic and economic uncertainty, many, if not most workplaces, have resorted to remote interviews to hire employees. This also means that new criteria and different techniques are now being added onto the interviewing process, which can be...
Fighting perfectionism: 3 strategies to relinquish the need for control as a working mom
As working moms, there is so much depending on us at the family, personal and professional level. It can also mean carrying oodles of responsibilities that sometimes end up hurting us more than help us. For those of us who may have perfectionist tendencies, this can...
Let It Be the Weekend!
Let It Be the Weekend is our news roundup of the most recent news that sparked our working moms' interest and that we want to share here... In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Google is spotlighting Latino businesses;The Corporate Sister has a few deets on...
TCS Podcast Episode 60: Are You Ready for the Feminization of Wealth?
Did you know by 2030 women are poised to hold over $30 trillion? In this episode, I discuss the changing landscape of wealth for women in the U.S., also known as "The Great Transfer'. As we prepare for this shift, I'm chatting about three strategies to get ready...
TCS Podcast Episode 59: Integrating Motherhood and Career in 2025
In this podcast episode, I'm discussing defining, or re-defining, our vision of what it means to be a working mom by better integrating career and motherhood in 2025. Through a 7 step process, I invite listeners to engage in assessing their season of motherhood and...
TCS Podcast Episode 58: 10 Steps to Audit Your Career
In this episode, I discuss ditching traditional career goals and instead embracing your own career vision by audting your career in the past 12 months. I discuss 10 steps to start with at the beginning of 2025 to audit your career. Listen in! Thanks for...