In the Woman of Impact series, I interview women who are making a difference in others’ lives through their mission and purpose. Cleonie Mainvielle is just one of these women. When I first heard Cleonie speak about her journey and business at a women’s event, I felt like she was talking to and about me. As I later joined her mastermind, I was even more inspired by her mission to help women like myself reclaim our time, energy and ultimately freedom.
If you are a woman or man looking to maximize your own impact, and live and work on purpose, your will enjoy reading about Cleonie and her work! Without further ado, I present to you Cleonie…
1. Could you tell me a bit about you and who Cleonie is?
I am a mother to two fun loving children (9 and 11 yrs old), a wife of 14 yrs and a full-time entrepreneur. My biggest fear is to have lived a life without meaning and purpose because I had wasted too much of my time. This fear is the driving force behind my business and how I structure my life. When my final days are here, I want to feel content that I have lived a life that made a difference and that it was lived well.

2. I like to ask people this question: “What did you want to be when you grow up?”
As a child, I always thought I would grow up to be a teacher or nurse. Teaching and nursing were the roles I gravitated to when I played with my brother or friends. The idea of helping others improve their situation by using the knowledge and skills I have really appealed to me. I started to implement my nursing plan as early as high school when I earned my Licensed in Practical Nursing. But I encountered a major setback when my first college choice accepted me into their Liberal Arts school and not their nursing program. This disappointment turned out to be a great opportunity to challenge my long-held belief that nursing was the route for me.
As I worked to earn extra money at a hospital using my nursing training from high school, I came to realize that although I loved helping people, I didn’t only want to help those who were sick. So, I stopped pursuing nursing, earned my Bachelor in Psychology and later went on to earn my Masters in Social Work. These two degrees turned out to be the best fit since they allowed me to help others with a broader range of issues.
4. Who do you help as your target audience? How do you help them?
I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs organize their schedules and belongings so that they can reclaim their personal freedom and have more time for what is important, joyful and inspiring. I do this by delivering workshops where I teach general productivity and time management strategies. For those who want long term group support to implement strategies learned, I facilitate women-only mastermind groups. These mastermind groups are comprised of 4-5 like-minded women who have agreed to lend each other support, share resources and hold each other accountable as they each strive to achieve ambitious goals.
As the group facilitator, I provide structure and track progress to ensure that the group as well as the individual members are achieving their goals. Lastly, I work with clients one-on-one to help them uncover the specific time management and productivity strategies that fit into their lives and address their specific circumstances.

2. I like to ask people this question: “What did you want to be when you grow up?”
As a child, I always thought I would grow up to be a teacher or nurse. Teaching and nursing were the roles I gravitated to when I played with my brother or friends. The idea of helping others improve their situation by using the knowledge and skills I have really appealed to me. I started to implement my nursing plan as early as high school when I earned my Licensed in Practical Nursing. But I encountered a major setback when my first college choice accepted me into their Liberal Arts school and not their nursing program. This disappointment turned out to be a great opportunity to challenge my long-held belief that nursing was the route for me.
As I worked to earn extra money at a hospital using my nursing training from high school, I came to realize that although I loved helping people, I didn’t only want to help those who were sick. So, I stopped pursuing nursing, earned my Bachelor in Psychology and later went on to earn my Masters in Social Work. These two degrees turned out to be the best fit since they allowed me to help others with a broader range of issues.
4. Who do you help as your target audience? How do you help them?
I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs organize their schedules and belongings so that they can reclaim their personal freedom and have more time for what is important, joyful and inspiring. I do this by delivering workshops where I teach general productivity and time management strategies. For those who want long term group support to implement strategies learned, I facilitate women-only mastermind groups. These mastermind groups are comprised of 4-5 like-minded women who have agreed to lend each other support, share resources and hold each other accountable as they each strive to achieve ambitious goals.
As the group facilitator, I provide structure and track progress to ensure that the group as well as the individual members are achieving their goals. Lastly, I work with clients one-on-one to help them uncover the specific time management and productivity strategies that fit into their lives and address their specific circumstances.
5. What do you think are the biggest obstacles for women to achieve the success they want and have the life they’ve always desired?
I think the biggest obstacle for women to achieve the success they want and have the life they’ve always desired is the disconnection between their time and energy investments, and what their desires are. Here is what I mean. When our minutes and energy are assigned to tasks that lack meaning and purpose, those minutes stack up to hours, those hours stack up to days, those days into weeks and weeks into months. Before we know it, we find ourselves living a life that is without meaning and purpose.
So, my work revolves around helping women gain clarity around what their desires are, then helping them reassign those minutes to activities they find important, joyful and inspiring. Along the way, they will encounter limiting beliefs, lack of self confidence as well as habits that can sabotage their progress.
6. What are your three best tips for working women?
I have so many tips to share because I have a healthy obsession with all things that pertain to productivity & organizing. But since I can only chose 3, here are my favorites:
1. Set your intentions before you invest any of your time and energy by asking yourself “What do I intend to take away or contribute to this event/interaction that will move me closer to what I desire?”;
2. Plan your days and weeks ahead by choosing one day each week as well as a specific time each day to map out how you plan to invest your time. This way, you can show up each day focused and clear on your priorities. Otherwise, your schedule will be subject to other people’s priorities and agenda;
3. Schedule the things that are most important to you. A calendar does not have to be limited only to your appointments. Be sure to schedule your priorities to ensure that there is time for them to get done.
7. Last but not least, where can we find you and get in touch with you?
· Company Name: Inspired Outcome
· Website:
· Email:
· Phone Number: (774) 213-1630
· Social Media Links:
Thanks so much for sharing your mission and business with us, Cleonie!
If you want more information about Cleonie and her amazing work at Inspired Outcome, please leave a comment or don’t hesitate to contact her directly!
The Corporate Sister