Smartest woman in the room - blindie,com


Happy Monday! Need a boost to start the week?
There’s one thing that Dear Hubby has been telling me for years since I entered the corporate workforce, that I never pay much attention to. Yet lately as I’ve faced some of my most important, and most life-altering career challenges, I’ve realized that after all, he was right all along.

As corporate sisters, it’s no secret that we tend to not toot our horns as much as our male counterparts in the professional sphere. Generally being dubbed as caretakers and nurtures, many times we tend to give credit to others, or to the team, for our hard work. As we are striving to change the corporate landscape to make more room for women, and especially for minority women, we must teach ourselves to value our work and contributions, even before others do, and even if others don’t…And this is why it is crucial to remember that for a host of different reasons (some funnier and more obvious than others), YOU are the smartest woman in the room:

  • Chances are, YOU may be the ONLY woman in the room, and probably the only minority woman in the room: According to the Catalyst, although women’s representation among senior executives grew between 2013 and 2014 from 16.7% to 21.7%, in many a corporate setting, women, and minority women in particular, are still standing alone among their male counterparts.
  • Your emotional EQ ranks you higher than you think: While men are better at compartmentalizing their emotions, women tend to have an edge when it comes to perceiving emotions around them and tuning into these. Although this may be perceived as weaknesses, it also empowers women to sense the emotional energy in any room and directly attune their response to it. It is also a crucial factor when it comes to identifying needs of stakeholders and customers alike, and tailor their responses in uniquely effective ways.
  • Last but not least, we make others feel like the smartest people in the room: Great leaders do not present themselves as the smartest people in the room, although they may very well be. Instead, women leaders try to inspire through collaborating with and helping others. As a corporate sister, your empathy, collaborative spirit and efforts to inspire others are never wasted, as they definitely show your leadership.

Do you feel like the smartest woman in the room?

The Corporate Sister.