
working-girlsclubpodcastWe’re only a few days away from 2017, and everyone’s already thinking about setting goals for the New Year. In this episode, I’m discussing about taking a more soul-centered approach to setting goals, inspired by Danielle Laporte’s masterpiece The Desire Map.

Speaking of goals, I’m also talking about planning your exit from Big Corporate to launch into full-time entrepreneurship. I share 7 steps to make your transition as smooth as possible.

Last but not least, this pre-holiday season is also time to enjoy the…Elf on the Shelf and all the magic of the season! And I’m talking about our family’s experience through it…

Plus I’m introducing a new “What’s Up, What’s New” feature, where I talk about interesting news and books I’ve come across lately.

What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy:

  • How to change your approach to setting traditional and ineffective goals for the New Year;
  • How to set your priorities based on how you want to feel and your lifelong desires;
  • What to consider when planning to transition from the corporate world and create your own business;
  • Enjoying pre-holiday traditions for the family;
  • Interesting news and books I’ve come across lately.


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Until next time,

The Corporate Sis.