Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- Looking for a blog? The Muse lists 17 companies hiring like crazy in December;
- The Glassdoor blog shares with us the ultimate holiday out of office checklist;
- Are you in a toxic workplace? Ellevate Network lists 5 steps you can take now;
- The Daily Muse shares these tips when you’re the only black person in the office;
- Business Insider shares the 20 best tech companies to work for in 2018;
- Ellevate Network advises women on how we can stop shooting ourselves in the foot on Linked In;
- Holiday party? These 15 tips will help you survive any one holiday party;
- Recruiter shares 14 job search tips for 2018;
- Spending too much over the holidays? Black Enterprise tells you you should blame social media;
- Corporette shares tips and tricks for holiday networking;
- Food52 shares 3 non-boozy holiday drinks everyone can enjoy;
- Our workwear pick this week is this comfortable staple you can sport from the office to dinner.
The Corporate Sister.