Weekly News Roundup
Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving here in the US!
- It’s Black Friday! Corporette shares its amazing Black Friday Sale alert for workwear;
- Speaking of Black Friday, check out The Corporate Sister’s Black Friday Sale;
- Forbes Woman shares how Mogul makes it possible for HR departments to fight sexual harassment;
- Ellevate Network shares that New York City spends $1 billion with majority-owned women businesses (MWBE);
- Business Insider shares 11 psychological tricks to save and spend less on Black Friday;
- Forbes reminds us that the HPV vaccination immunity is still going strong 10 years later;
- Ellevate Network lists 7 steps to personal brand building for women;
- The Daily Muse shares 10 awesome companies hiring now;
- Recruiter shares 11 steps to become a Linked In power user;
- Inc shares 7 corporate gift ideas that will make you unforgettable;
- Year-end performance review is getting close! Here’s how to ask for a promotion (and actually get it);
- The Indeed blog shares the best retail companies to work for in 2017;
- Fashionista shares 150+ Cyber Monday sales to put on the radar;
- Got Thanksgiving leftovers? Serious Eats shares Thanksgiving leftovers.
The Coporate Sis.