Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- Did you get a new job? Recruiting Blogs gives you tips to read a contract agreement:
- Want to snatch a promotion before the end of the year? The Muse recommends 12 baby steps you can take now;
- Hey Working Moms! Ellevate Network lists 7 amazing working moms hacks;
- Attending a career fair? Recruiter lists 6 things to do after;
- Are you a stay-at-home? Glassdoor lists 21 jobs you can start now;
- Do you have a side hustle? Our guest contributor shares 4 business and legal aspects you must consider;
- Traveling any time soon? Beware! Forbes Woman shares 10 most dangerous places for women travelers;
- Ready to make a change? Ellevate Network recommends doing something you hate;
- Are you being bullied at work, or know someone who is? Here are a few tips on what to do when you’re being bullied at work;
- Got oily skin? PopSugar lists 9 products for summer;
- The Corporate Sister lists 3 steps to evaluate your career at mid-year.