
Weekly News RoundupWelcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!

  • It’s summer, and the Lindsay Pollak blog is telling us all about #summergoals;
  • Managing people you don’t like? The Evil HR Lady suggests a few tips to overcome this problem;
  • Got apps? Undercover Recruiter lists 4 ways apps are increasing productivity at work;
  • Ellevate Network shares the professional woman’s strategy for getting what she wants in business and in life;
  • Black Enterprise gives you the deeds on everything to know about personal credit score vs. business credit score;
  • Ever thought of leaving your stable, high-paying job to pursue your passion? The Muse tells you how coach, writer, and entrepreneur Susie Moore did it!
  • Did you know women don’t take as many vacation as men? Ellevate Network via Fairgodboss tells us why;
  • Want some summer reading suggestions for your “woke” kids? NPR has an interesting selection to ignite the social activist in them;
  • Have you checked out Jay Z’s new (and sensational) 4:44 album? Forbes reveals it’s not only successful, but masterful;
  • Hello swimsuit season! WhoWhatWear suggests 6 trendy swimsuits that are actually worth it;
  • Is a blog in your career’s cards? This week, The Corporate Sister is all about telling you how you can start one in 4 easy steps with Bluehost.


The Corporate Sis.