Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- In history-making news, the New York Times writes about Nina Simone’s birthplace being honored as a place of art and politics;
- Inc. lists the best companies to work for in 2017;
- Scared to make a career change? The Muse lists 4 excuses holding back from a career change, and what to do about it;
- Black Enterprise writes about one of the most powerful women in business, Apple’s Bozoma St John;
- Are you tired of business plans? Ellevate Network suggests trying the Canvas instead;
- Do you have an online business with a website where you try to attract more clients?Ellevate Network teaches you how to optimize your website for more traffic;
- Planning a road trip? Check out my non-adventurous mom’s guide to road trips;
- Is email taking over your life? Read Zen Habit‘s mindful guide to email in 20 minutes a day;
- Corporette tips us off on how to dress for work in different cities;
- Ellevate Network tips us off on what Corporate America is getting wrong with female talent;
- The Corporate Sister lists 5 hacks to take your winter work wardrobe into spring.
The Corporate Sis.