Welcome to our career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion weekly news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- Business Insider shows us how to be fearless at work and how you can get over your fear;
- The Guardian shares the self-help guide for Black women “Slay In Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible”;
- Don’t have the right degree? Recruiter advises you on getting the job without the degree to back it up;
- Ellevate Network highlights how you can boost your career goals this summer;
- The Muse shares how to get ready for work in 10 minutes;
- Workology tips you off on how to command a room as a woman at work;
- The Glassdoor Blog lists 5 interview questions employers trip you up with;
- Got the travel bug? The Indeed blog recommends 15 careers that satisfy your wanderlust;
- Want to get C-suite buy-in? Read this advice by Forbes;
- Ellevate Network shares how to get press for your business;
- Entrepreneurship can be tough on your mind. Forbes Woman reveals 5 mental health tips for entrepreneurs;
- The Undercover Recruiter answers the question: “How can we promote healthy eating in the workplace?”
- The Corporate Sister tells you how to look professional in the summer as a working mom.
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister