Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- Work It Daily shares 4 career lessons you can learn from Black Panther;
- Black Enterprise confirms that this study reveals that bias at work harms women of color and affects their ability to thrive;
- Recruiter confirms that in 2018, professional women are still judged by their appearance;
- The Glassdoor Blog shares over 10 work-from-home jobs that pay well;
- Ellevate Network explains why women thrive in female-focused co-working spaces;
- Forbes Woman shares three ways Black women can negotiate success in the boardroom;
- Business Insider reveals the one question you should never ask in a job interview;
- The Personal Branding Blog shares the do’s and dont’s of asking for a raise;
- Recruiting Blogs shares an introvert’s guide to getting your voice heard in a meeting;
- Ellevate Network shares 5 unorthodox networking tips;
- Corporette tips you off on how to plan a wedding while working full-time;
- WhoWhatWear lists 16 easy ways to make your look more sophisticated.
The Corporate Sister