Chiffon Menswear Tunic - $15 - ShopAkira.com

Chiffon Menswear Tunic – $15 – ShopAkira.com

I’ve got a little crush on this ShopAkira‘s chiffon menswear tunic, which also happens to be a super deal price-wise! It’s relaxed yet sophisticated enough for the week-end, with a nice pair or jeans or even leather slacks/leggings for the most daring among us…With a front two-button up closure, chest pocket, and 3/4 length sleeves with tabs, without forgetting the buttoned cuffs, it’s a steal at $15.

I particularly love the wine color in the picture above, that goes with pretty much everything…Can you say deal?

Seen any great week-end piece you’d like to recommend? Please post a comment or email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!

The Corporate Sister.