Photo: workingnurse.com

Photo: workingnurse.com

Yes, the holidays are in full swing, and in between Black Friday, Cyber Monday, shopping here and decorating there, your career may have taken  bit of a backseat…And you’re certainly not the only one. Yet this may be the very (busy) time you may be able to use to your advantage to give your career a very serious (and probably much needed) boost.

Although December is the slowest hiring month, there are still ways to use this time to advance yourself at work:

1. Leverage the holiday partying! Nothing like a holiday party to get your networking on! Be sure to exchange contact information, try and meet as many new people as you can, and make a favorable impression!

2. Explore work opportunities! Now is a good time to reach out to recruiters or potential employers for work prospects! It’s the end of the year, and they may not only take your phone call, but be looking forward to it!Don’t forget to look into temp work as well, to make some side money or even explore a new field for a potential career transition.

3. Time to re-energize! While the holidays may push us into overdrive, it could also (and should) be a time to slow down and transition into the new year more energized! So, as much as you can, limit the exhausting shopping trips to the strict necessary, skip the boring parties, and give yourself the one gift you’ve been craving: time!

How are you planning on using the holidays to boost your career?

The Corporate Sis.