“Busy” is not just the modern badge of honor these days. It’s also become the working woman and mom’s defining badge of honor. However, in these over-committed, over-burdened streets of working motherhood, made even more complex by a debilitating pandemic, we’re quickly learning that too busy doesn’t make an impact, especially as working women and working mom. That being stretched in too many directions, especially in times of crisis, only creates more chaos and even more crisis.

One of the most precious lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me is that impact is better than busyness, especially at work. Like so many, it’s prompted me to ask myself what really matters and where I can create more impact. It’s also forced me, in the midst of the exhaustion and extreme stress of homeschooling, working, handling housework, and surviving the stress of living through a pandemic, to re-consider my too long professional to-do list. Most importantly, it’s reminded me, ironically in the midst of what turned out to be the busiest times of my life, of the importance of switching off the “busy” button…
But…how do you turn off the “busy machine” when there’s even more to do than usual? How do you keep up with not just yours, but the needs of others who may heavily depend on you at work (and outside of work)? And how do you not succumb to the angst of letting go of something that you shouldn’t have, or decreasing your performance ?
This is very much a personal process that affects each and every one of us differently, based on our individual circumstances, beliefs and mindsets.
However, while the process may look different for each and every one of us, there are some guiding questions we can all use:
- What does impact mean to you and your work?
Having an impact means something different for each and every one of us, for our work and our organizations and businesses too. In my teaching career, impact is measured by how well students are being academically served. When I write, it’s about conveying a message that has the power to help, uplift, inspire and edify. What is impact in your line of work and for you?
- How can you create the most impact?
Having an impact requires focus and strategy. Doing it all, as so many of us strive to do, doesn’t allow us to have optimal impact. I’ve found creating an impact requires Re-evaluating your involvement, trimming your to-do list, and releasing what does not fit. That can be hard to do when you’re used to doing so much…
- Where can you create the most impact?
Sometimes we’re not having any impact, or the right kind of impact, because we’re not in the right place for us. Could it be that you’re overwhelmingly busy but not having real impact because you need to be somewhere else? It took a whole new career and change of professional trajectory for me to even begin to think about creating an impact.
If you find yourself being overwhelmed and so busy in your work there is no end in sight, yet discouraged because you’re not seeing your work’s impact, then these questions may help.
Are you too busy to make an impact?
The Corporate Sister.