
this-one-ingredient-is-missing-in-your-cover-letter-and-could-cost-you-the-jobThink about this…If your resume were that killer outfit you’d wear for that coveted social event, your cover letter would be that finishing touch that would seal the deal. Yet, all too often, whether in your outfit or in your cover letter, something may be missing…That intangible something that makes recruiting managers do a double-take and piques their interest among the sea of similar cover letters they receive daily…

And yes, cover letters still do matter, even in the age of social media and selfies! Jobvite’s 2015 Recruiting survey actually found that 63% of recruiters agree that cover letters matter!

You can Google how to write a cover letter, and get about a thousand iterations of what to include, how to write it, etc. What you cannot Google is how to add the one thing that will absolutely distinguish you from any other candidate, and does not require you to have the most credentials or lengthiest work history. It’s the one ingredient that’s missing in so many cover letters: P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L.I.T.Y.

I see you over there, rolling your eyes as you’re reading…What does personality have to do with a professional cover letter aimed at getting you an honest way of paying your bills? And who needs your sassy self to come off the page when you’re trying to land a secure position (and not relinquish your shoe allowance forever)? I mean, do you really want me virtually snapping my fingers at the poor recruiting manager reading my cover letter?

While you may want to keep your cover letter as professional as possible, you don’t want it to be flat-lining your entire application. You can have more degrees than a thermometer, and have more letters behind your name than the entire alphabet. But if your application is lifeless, your chances of getting the job officially go on a diet.

Here are a few ways to revive your dead cover letter and add some personality to your words and stand out:


Define Your Personal Brand.

My  definition of personal branding is:  “Personal branding is the melting pot of who you are, what you are passionate about, and what you do really well, channeled into a concise, clear and focused message about who you are and how you stand out.”

Using your personal brand is one of the most powerful way to let your personality shine through your cover letter. Who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what you do really well, should all be channeled through your words, in a concise yet effective way.

Are you passionate about helping others? Does your educational and personal background make you an asset to the organization you’re applying into? Are you particularly skilled at writing? Don’t be afraid to be creative and express these in your cover letter. And don’t forget to wrap it all up with strong words and a powerful call to action showing that you intend to follow up on your request.


State the Unexpected.

Do you have a Finance background, but have also been freelancing on the side? Or is your first degree in Fashion Design, before you decided to take on Accounting (yes it happens)? Think of the additional dimension you can add to any job with a prior experience or degree in a totally unrelated field…

While you may want to strictly stick to your professional experience, bringing out some less traditional and more unexpected sides of your personality and life can definitely add that missing touch to your cover letter.


Share Your Vision.

If you can see it, you’re halfway there. “It” meaning the mission and vision you’d have for your role and contribution to the organization you’re applying for. Very few candidates are involved, bold, or frankly care enough to go the extra mile, and actually share their vision.

Do you envision your potential role in that organization as one that would help strengthen the culture of diversity? Do you see yourself bringing about new technologies and ways of conducting business? While you may want to tread carefully in sharing your vision and may want to align yourself with the current organizational culture, it will definitely help in making you stand out.


PS: For more on effective cover letters that stand out, check out my Cover Letter 101 Checklist: 7 must-have ingredients for your cover letter!

How do you add personality to your cover letter?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.