
black-woman2 Many are the career sins that we all commit on an almost daily basis. From overt arrogance to destructive ruthlessness, to excessive pride and lashed out anger on the job, there are definitely more than 7 career sins out there…
Yet for corporate sisters, and all women in general thriving in the corporate jungle, there is THIS one sin that we seem to repeatedly commit.
You can catch us committing this sin in meetings, when we unconsciously deny ourselves the right to contribute otherwise innovative ideas. Or as we’re presented with new projects and endeavors that could make us noticed throughout the company, and we just remain quiet. Better yet, many of us are caught red-handed and guilty, as we share our brilliant ideas with others and allow them to take credit for our work.
It’s the sin of SILENCE, and it may just be our biggest corporate downfall…

Are you guilty?

The Corporate Sister.

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