Photo: switchapp.com

Photo: switchapp.com

If you’ve ever wondered how to apply the principles of fast-paced,. anonymous speed-dating to your job search, well…there’s an app for that. It’s called Switch, and it’s been dubbed by The daily Muse as the new Tinder for jobs.

What it does:Basically, it allows you to conduct your job search anonymously, without the stress of your current employer, clients, friends or acquaintances ever finding out. Not only are you able to check out job postings incognito, but you also get notifications directly to your phone every time a potential employer likes your profile, very much like “likes” on Facebook or “Favorites” on Twitter. And if sparks fly, Switch allows you to be put in direct contact with the recruiter in question. So i happen to be a hiring manager, consider your work made much easier…

My $0.05: Whether you are actively searching or passively job-hunting, Switch sounds like a great option to do the do under wraps (here’s another app for job-hunting on the down-low), and still keep abreast of great opportunities on the market. Great app!

The Corporate Sis.