
What's the 411?Happy Sunday! Today’s Dear Daughter’s birthday, and we’re preparing to celebrate this afternoon with enough cake and princess-themed stuff we’ll all be ready for a day off tomorrow…In the meantime, here are the news that made our week:

  • Are you a fan of The Voice? Business Insider reveals companies are using the same model of blind auditions to hire top talent (and we’re liking it);
  • Speaking of powerful negotiations, the Harvard Business Review tips us off on how to negotiate nicely without being a pushover;
  • And  a pushover you will not be, with these tips from Inc on how to deal with a difficult co-worker;
  • The Muse advises us on how to stop obsessively checking email (and oh could I use this);
  • Summer vacation time is upon us, and the Harvard Business Review advises not to obsess over everything before going on vacation;
  • SheKnows lists 6 non-scammy ways to work from home;
  • Mashable tells us why signing your email with “Best” is jut about the worst thing you can do;
  • In not-so-great news, US News reveals Intel and Apple money are not enough to boost diversity;
  • Fortune Magazine writes about how women can restore America’s middle class;
  • Last but not least, You Tern uncovers the one word that can stall your entire career.


Happy Sunday 🙂

The Corporate Sis.