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So this past week-end, I took dear daughter to the Disney on Ice Frozen show. And while my baby girl was belting out the tunes of the Frozen song (that I’ve only heard about a zillion times and one so far), one lyric in particular struck me. That would be when Elsa proudly declares “the perfect girl is gone”. Of course, as my daughter’s eyes were lit from wonder and amazement, my eyes were ready to pop as I made the oh so unconventional (yet oh so very me) connection between a kids’ show and…feminism!
Don’t get me wrong, I like Elsa. I think Elsa in all her glittering cartoon cuteness, is a feminist. What’s even better, her budding, revolutionary feminism is born on-screen before our very eyes, as she decides to let go of that perfect girl inside and assume her ice power queen self. And if Elsa had a corporate job, she’d be the revered, quirky leader of a company with products targeted to independent, strong, kick-ass women.
And why, or how, could that be? Because at some point, it clicked in Elsa’s head, as it should in all our pretty, independent, driven women’s heads, that our inner good girls gotta go! That in order to fulfill our potential, we must not only take stock of ourselves, but also of our careers. That we must accept that our unconventional traits, different leadership styles, right down to our weirdest habits (or powers for that matter) are also our strongest assets. After all, hasn’t weirdness become a pre-requisite of leadership these days (think Facebook’s Zuckerberg or Zappo’s Tony Hsieh, now that’s effective weirdness).
Bottom line: if you want to be successful on your own terms (is there any other way to be successful), you must silence the quiet, self-compromising, people-pleasing inner good girl and awaken your true self. You know, the one who can turn anything into gleaming ice, and bring success out of anything she puts her mind to…So go ahead and be weird all you can…
Oh and as for me, I’m going to wait a bit to give dear daughter the whole spiel on Elsa…I can hear it already: “What’s a feminist, Mommy?”
“You’ll see, baby, you’ll see…”
The Corporate Sis.