Cardigan jacket - $39.90 - uniqlo.com

Cardigan jacket – $39.90 – uniqlo.com

For our lunch break, we are recommending this cardigan jacket from UNIQLO. Really, what better than a cross between a cardigan and a blazer-like jacket?

Even as temperatures start rising, the inside of our offices are kept fresh, not to say cold, most of the year, what with the AC blasting in the summer. I usually leave a cardigan at work just in case, or make sure to bring one with me. So to have a cardigan that’s also perfect for work meetings and impromptu client lunches is great!

I love it in navy, as it’s a nice, dark (and safe) alternative to basic black. It’s $39.90 at UNIQLO.com, and is worth the double take….and the purchase!

Seen a great, office-friendly fashion piece you’d like to recommend? Please post a comment or email us corporate@thecorporatesister.com!