Photo credit: http://blog.brazencareerist.com

Photo credit: http://blog.brazencareerist.com

People get married, kids are born, traffic gets crazy, more kids are born, alarm clocks break, parents get older, cars break down, life happens, period. And more often than not, it’s not orderly, scheduled, or planned, but instead messy, all over the place, and downright crazy at times. In the midst of all this, we still have to go to work, be productive, and manage to smash the glass ceiling all while striving for perfect work-life balance…

Considering your messy desk can ruin your career, how much more can your messy life, including your spouse, kids, and even your hectic week-ends! Truth is, most life events have the potential of distracting us and taking us off course, and having a potentially negative effect on our careers.

Yet, as has been proven over and over again, clearly separating life from work is next to impossible. The whole concept of work-life balance produces more theories than results, as many of us are slowly starting to understand it’s more about integration than a precarious balancing act. Even when life is at its craziest, here are a few lessons learned on keeping your professional self together:

1. Relinquish control! Life is going to happen, your kid will pee his pants right as you’re heading out the door, you will leave the keys in the car (while the engine is still on), and you’ll spend half of the departmental meeting wondering if you’ve unplugged the iron this morning. Let go of the need to control it all, and notice your chronic headache go away, and your good ol’ productivity start kicking ass again…

2. Be Present! When you’re at work, be at work, fully! I know it’s easier said than done, and believe me, there were so many times my body was sitting at my desk while my mind was at the supermarket getting a new carton of milk. I have a Post It note on my screen that simply says “Are you here?”, so I can remind myself to be present and do the best I can…right here!

3. Ask and you shall receive (or you shall be told no, and get over it): Everyone’s got issues and needs, it’s part of life. What differentiates those who surmount them and come back even stronger, and those whose entire existence caves in, is the ability to seek and accept help. Seek the help you need, whether it’s a cleaning lady once a week, a staff member helping you with the administrative stuff, or a day off in the middle of the week. The worst you can be told is no…

How do you maintain your professionalism in the midst of life’s craziness?

The Corporate Sis.