It’s the week-end, you have a ton of things to do, items to mark off your to-do list, maybe a family to feed, a Thanksgiving meal to plan, and you still can’t get a hold of your hairdresser (or her calendar for that matter)…In the midst of all the to-dos, to-be-done’s, should-have-been-done, did-I-forget-to-do-that, where in the world did you stash your work phone? And why should you even be concerned? it’s the week-end, after all…
We talked about working on week-ends, and whether that could advance your career. And if I’m not a fan of dedicating my week-ends to work, as many corporate sisters, I believe in the power of multi-tasking, and as part of that, my Blackberry is my best ally. In the era of always being connected, and while some of you may not agree, I think if I have to be connected, well, I might as well use it to my advantage. Whether it’s answering quick emails, providing quick status updates, or updating your calendar on-the-go, there are small ways in which you can still work while not really working…
So sometimes instead of repeatedly checking my Facebook account, while I’m in line at the supermarket or running some mindless errand ( please note that does not include operating any motor vehicle), I can quickly check in to my email, update my professional to-do list, and shoot my boss a quick reply email kindly letting him know that while I may not finish his project by Monday, it’s on my priority list to tackle first thing Monday morning…and wish him a great week-end (hint, hint….)
If we’re going to be multi-tasking anyways (and checking our Facebook and Twitter accounts), why not make mini-investments in our career in the process?
Do you favor multi-tasking on week-ends, or is that Blackberry stashed away in your purse?
The Corporate Sister.
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