Hump Day

Hump Day

Happy Wednesday! It’s Hump Day, mid-week, almost there, and we’re still awake….Sort of…

Wednesday is usually that point mid-week when we get our much-needed boost to keep carrying the professional torch to its last resting place (for the week-end), and pick it right back up on Monday morning.
So why is it that I just walked in here with my shirt inside out? And why do I feel like I could use just about another night of sleep?
Well, because life, with all it encompasses of kids screaming in the morning, stubborn traffic, and coffee lids improperly screwed on (and coffee properly spilling onto shirts otherwise worn inside out), just happens…And the audit report is still due by end of day today, and I did not even bring a sweater to wear over that huge coffee stain on my shirt (which thankfully I’m now wearing the right way).
Is it Wednesday?

Happy Hump Day!

The Corporate Sister.