Social justice has been on the minds of many, if not most of us, lately. In the midst of the two pandemics we’ve been experiencing, from COVID-19 to racial unrest, so many of us have been asking ourselves how we can contribute to improving social justice. In this post, I discuss how we can use our careers as a platform for social justice.
Recently, I had the privilege to take part in #ScholarStrike, a movement inspired by the NBA, WNBA, Colin Kaepernick, and other athletes, and open to anyone in colleges and institutions, to bring awareness to racial justice in America. For many, it took the form of teach-ins and sharing resources on racial justice, often related to certain disciplines in particular. This movement is a testimony to the extent to which each and every one of us can use our own careers as platforms for social justice.

If you’ve been wondering what you can do, and how you can use your own work as a platform for social justice, here are a few ways you can do so:
- Start with showing up as your authentic self!
Too few of us have the resources and courage to show up as our authentic selves in our workplaces. Very often, it’s through no fault of our own. It may be out of intimidation or lack of encouragement or structural organization, to cite a few. However, working out the courage to show up as who we are, especially as minorities and working women, sets up to teach and learn about what makes us and others unique in our own right.
When I started showing up as my authentic self at work, it felt scary. Like many, I had learnt the art of code-switching as I saw others do it as a way to fit in. Yet, the more I dared to open up, the more I watched other working women in general and women of color in particular muster the bravery to own their place in the room, the more I understood how much our mere presence can make an impact.
- Share resources
The basic definition of social justice revolves around the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities to all. These resources may be of a varied nature, from economic, financial, political, to informational resources. This is where each and every one of us can use our positions, our knowledge, insight, as well as physical, financial and economic resources to make a difference.
One of the main resources I rely upon in my teaching work, writing and consulting is the power of education and knowledge, and the wealth that is in sharing information around. In your own position, it may be about empowering communities with money, food, or other opportunities that over time can help re-establish the balance of equity and justice for all.
- Serve as a role model
My pastor once said: “For many people, the only Bible they will read is your life”. I would humbly add that for many, your work will serve as one of the only models they will have of equity and social justice, in whatever form it may take. While many of us may think our careers may not create as much impact, there is always someone coming behind, or walking by our side, or watching us from afar, and for whom we may serve as a role model.
You never know who you inspire by the work you do and the life you live. Whether it’s through mentoring someone else, serving as an ally at work, or starting a business that changes lives, your example can help in re-distributing opportunities and resources to all.
How can you use your career as a platform for social justice?
Take care,
The Corporate Sis.