
How to deal with the emotional side of entrepreneurshipWhile there’s a lot of noise around starting a business and entrepreneurship in general, no much gets said about the emotional side of starting a business. However, the very act of launching a business is first and foremost an emotional process. It requires faith and a level of mental stability that many of us may not necessarily have.

Very few entrepreneurs admit to the emotional roller-coaster that starting and running a business really is. In the age of “following your dreams” and the hyper-mediatized temptation of social media hustling, it can be easy to imagine that entrepreneurship is easy. After all, it’s just a matter of “following your passion and the money will come”, right? Wrong…

How to deal with the emotional side of entrepreneurship-2

While entrepreneurship requires being adequately prepared with the appropriate tools and strategies, the emotional part of being an entrepreneur is often under-estimated. From sheer excitement, motivation to loneliness, sadness and even depression in many cases, many are the emotions that entrepreneurs face.

Here are a few ways to deal with the emotional side of entrepreneurship:


  • Have realistic expectations

Many entrepreneurs are also perfectionists. Which also means that many of us set very high and quite unrealistic expectations for ourselves and entrepreneurial journey. While these can provide a temporary high, they can also bring a certain level of disappointment in people.


  • Take time for self-care

Many entrepreneurs fail to care for themselves. As a result, the accumulated stress and fatigue end up affecting their emotional state. In our hustling, super-by society, self-care is very often underrated. Instead of stopping to reflect and observe a pause in order to replenish our mental, emotional, and spiritual. We tend to push, over-exhaust ourselves and in turn be even less effective at what you do.


  • Get a coach or accountability partner

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and challenging process. It’s also a very emotional process, as it awakens parts of ourselves that we may have buried for a long time. From dealing with fear to facing emotions ranging from guilt to extreme excitement, there are many emotional pitfalls to the entrepreneurial journey. It’s exactly the reason why it’s so important to find a coach or accountability partner.

These are people who will challenge, motivate and inspire you, especially during those moments when you feel low. They are also those who will help you dig yourself out of the pit of emotional highs and lows that come with any entrepreneurial journeys.


  • Have a supportive circle

I’ve mentioned earlier that entrepreneurship can be a pretty lonely experience. It’s also one that many around you may not necessarily understand. After all, not everyone has an entrepreneur’s mindset, or understands the demands of creating a business.

This is why it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who can and are willing to support you. It also means that we owe it to ourselves to place some distance between us and those who may not be good for you during this part of your journey.


How do you deal with the emotional side of entrepreneurship?



To Your Success,

The Corporate Sister.