As working moms, many, we’re on the front line of caring for loved ones and families in times of crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic we’re currently facing. This also may mean we may not have much time to care for ourselves, in between handling childcare, homeschooling, remote work, and household chores, among others. Considering many working moms already do not invest enough time in self-care, situations of crisis only worsen things. Many of us feel we don’t have enough time, don’t deserve it, or feel it’s an indulgence we’d feel guilty to take advantage of.
As a working mom myself, I hesitate to take time for myself for self-care when considering the needs of my own family, especially in times of crisis. When I do, it’s with a lagging sense of guilt that may prevent me from enjoying it altogether. I know many working moms feel the same, and it’s especially prevalent when a crisis occurs. However, it’s important to constantly remind ourselves that our well-being doesn’t only serve us, but serves our families, loved ones and anyone else who may come in contact with us.

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, prioritizing self-care in times of crisis is crucial for working moms. As we handle so many responsibilities at home and at work, our vulnerability resulting from lack of self-care directly affects those around us.
Here are a few ways to care for yourself as a working mom in times of crisis:
- Prioritize your mental health
Periods of crisis tend to heighten our anxiety, worry and sense of despair, along with any tendency we may have to mentally suffer. Any negativity around these, especially through social media, may reinforce it. Our mental health as working moms is put on the test during times of crisis, as we may neglect it to care for others and assume our many responsibilities. Yet, without a healthy mindset, it’s extremely challenging to keep up with raising kids, working, uplifting our families and taking care of our loved ones and households.
Prioritizing our mental health may mean rising up earlier or taking time out for activities such as praying, meditating, or journaling. It may also be a matter of reaching out to friends and family members, seeking therapy (online therapy is an option), reading or watching your favorite show.
- Schedule your self-care
In between all our obligations and duties, it may be challenging to find time for self-care, which is why scheduling it is necessary. Adding self-care, whether it’s an exercise session, a therapy appointment (live or online), or just some time to read or relax, can make all the difference.
For working moms, it may mean blocking our calendars to resist the temptation of overworking, and informing our families that we need to care for ourselves.
- Take breaks from work
In times of crisis, we may be tempted to overwork or give in too much of ourselves to our responsibilities. Scheduling breaks, such as a formal lunch break instead of just eating while working, can go a long way.
While we may be tempted to work overtime, it’s important to discipline ourselves to take breaks. Using a timer or an electronic reminder to do so can help, as well as setting firm boundaries.
- Take a break from the kids
Yes, we love our kids, but we also need a break from time to time, even from our most precious loved ones. This may be a matter of having a partner or trusted family member or friend relieve us for a few hours, while we rest and recharge. Or it may be building a family schedule including individual activities for the kids that allows us to have some breathing moments here and there.
It’s also a welcome break for our kids, who can learn to develop their independence.
- Ask for help
Last but not least, as brave as we may be, learning to ask for help is an important part of our self-care. Whether it’s asking our partner to support us in a way that truly helps us, requesting assistance at work, or seeking support from professionals such as therapists for instance.
Overall, periods of crisis should not prevent us from caring for ourselves, even in the most basic way, as working moms. Whether it’s prioritizing our mental health, scheduling self-care activities, taking breaks from work and even our kids and asking for help, self-care during times of challenge should be a priority.