Martin Luther King Jr. Quote

MLK quote

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day to all! On this Day of Service, I got to reflect on the impact of Dr. King’s legacy on my life as a woman of color, and in particular in my career. As corporate sisters, and women professionals in general, we have to be the leaders in our own lives. We are often the first ones, if not the only ones, treading on some of the career paths we commit to. Many of the challenges we face, and victories we achieve, are unique, and uniquely empowering. In many ways, we are continuing the legacy of Dr. King in our own capacity, through our lives and the messages we embody for ourselves and others. In the same way, our work speaks for who we are, and where we are going. As Dr. King’s words continually inspire us, our lives and work should inspire others.

As for me, Dr. King’s legacy means that even as I stand alone in a corporate environment at times sorely lacking diversity and opportunities for women, as the odds (and statistics) seem to continuously be against working women, that I still persevere and give my best. That I never be afraid to do the right thing or stand up for what is right. That as I progress and provide my best work, that I strive to do my best in Faith, Peace and Love.

How is Dr. King’s legacy affecting your career?

The Corporate Sister.