Photo: blackmbawomen.com

Photo: blackmbawomen.com

Happy Tuesday!
We’ve been wanting to discuss transitioning from being an overachieving corporate sister to being an overachieving corporate mama at work.
For many corporate sisters out there, it is quite THE transition, both at work and at home!
The other day at work, one of our colleagues came to visit for the first time since she took her maternity leave. She also brought in her brand-new baby to introduce to the entire team. As we all stood there staring at the beautiful, sleepy (and probably slightly bored) bundle of joy, I got to thinking about my first time as a corporate mama, bringing my first baby to work for the very first time! Now that’s a lot of firsts if you ask me!
And not only was I looking at myself, the overachieving, uber-ambitious young woman in a whole different light now, I was also getting accustomed to being looked at differently in the corporate world as well!
I was no longer just a deserving, hard-working career woman, I was now a…MOM! It felt like shedding my previous corporate identity and assuming a new, still foreign one! And as I came to find out, things at work would never quite be the same again…
Transitioning from corportae sister to corporate mama is more than a personal, difficult yet oh so rewarding process! in corporate America as in many corporate spheres across the globe, it’s an identity crisis! One that can easily make you step backwards in your career without your even realizing so, one that can build you into even more of an ambitious, overachieving corporate warrior, or both…
In any case, it’s probably one of the most defining moments of any woman’s life and career. And one thing is sure, even as I kept staring at my coworker lovingly staring at her new baby while telling the rest of us about her sleepless nights and relentless feedings, your career will never be the same…

The Corporate Sister