
Did Your Hair Grown in A Week? and Other Things #BlackWomenatWork Still Experience-2A few weeks ago, Twitter went into a frenzy after Congresswoman Maxine Waters and White House Reporter April Ryan were publicly attacked. Which in turn sparked real outrage over what Black women face at work, starting the very popular hashtag #BlackWomenatWork.

But what this incident really did was bring to the surface the realities that a large majority of Black women face in the workplace. Plus the rampant fear to acknowledge these at all, because: retaliation. However, there are still  many things that Black women hear at work. Whether these make us cringe in surprise or smile in disbelief, or anything else in between, here are some of the most common, and interesting, things you may have heard at work as a Black woman, plus some tweets from other sisters to confirm:

Did your hair grow in a week?

So you switched things up between your high bun, your natural curls, and your brand-new Eva weave, all in one week…And the comments are rolling in!

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Can we see the manager?

That time when you show up ready to slay at the meeting and you’re politely asked to go get your manager…Except the manager is…you!

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Why are you always so angry?

The Angry Black Woman stereotype is very much still alive and well…Iyanla, we need you to come and fix all of this…

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Photo credit: essence.com/twitter.com


You’re so well-spoken!

When you’re not sure whether you should take the acknowledgement of your five degrees and three certifications as a compliment, or an insult! Or what the appropriate response should be, for that matter…


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Photo credit: essence.com/twitter.com

What would you add to this list?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.