Dear Working Mom is our love letter to working moms everywhere, where we talk about motherhood, life, work and everything in between…This week, we’re dedicating it to all the mamas who’ve been summoned by the loud and silent cries to end racism.
Dear Mamas,
You’ve been watching the news with fear and horror gripping your chest, as you repress screams of horror at the sight of injustices and inhumane behavior done to human beings because of the color of their skin…The same melanated skin that covers yours and your children’s bodies… The same bodies that are unsafe out in the streets and inside homes…

You’ve been watching your children with angst, sifting through the words that would make your pain bearable and their understanding softer…How do you explain to little minds that some people hate other people because of the color of their skin? How do you explain to yourself that you have to explain this to them? How do you answer the question: “Mom, what’s racism?“
There is a pain that is unpalpable, an anguish that one cannot put into words, but that you know all too well. It’s the anguish you feel every time you hear of another race-related incident. Every time your sons or daughters are going out with friends, or just going to the corner store…It’s the weight in your chest when you read about another tragedy around another Black son or daughter, when your heart of mother gets summoned at the call of “Mama” from any child who could have been your child…
Yet, there is this strength, this incredible, monumental, divine strength only mothers can muster in the face of tragedy and despair…This strength that carries you through and over supernaturally through unspeakable mountains of heartbreak… This superhuman strength that girds you with the resilience of survivors, building up your warrior’s heart, and transforming you into the agent of change of your community, your workplace, your circle…
It’s the same strength wrapped in unbearable pain that allows you to show up in hostile workspaces and still be your best. It is the same resilience that pushes you to run for office, to start the business, to raise funds for the anti-racism non-for-profit organization, to raise by example and not by word. It is in you, in the depths of your sorrow, in the breadth and width of your hope, in the height of your character…
Dear Mamas, we see you, we hear you, we walk alongside you, we commit to working for change by your side…
Here’s to you!
With Love,