What makes you pick a job - Photo credit: http://mycollegeguide.org

Photo credit: http://mycollegeguide.org

So we’ve talked about picking your employer, and how it’s more like a marriage (even if the brief, Vegas, drive-through style) than you’d care to think (really, it is)…Yet, when you’re sitting across from your potentially future boss, what makes you beam inside at the prospect of working with them? Or what particular attitudes or behaviors remind you of your soon-to-be ex-mother in law (ok, that was harsh)? Really, what makes you tick when picking a job, or tap your feet in a Hallelujah dance? Or do you just leave it to chance, or your daily horoscope predictions?

My $0.05: Predicting whether a job or not will be the perfect job is a pretty tall order. I know some people for whom their first hesitant choices turned out to be their professional loves. And I know others who still can’t believe what they signed up for…

Intuition plays a large role for me. If all the conditions are aligned, and my gut is in, it’s a good sign. At the end of the day, I’ve got to be able to go to bed, having answered at least two of these three questions: Is this a company I can work for? It this a manager I can report to on a really bad day? And, last but not least, can I do this job and go home better than I was the day before?

How about you? What makes you pick (or ditch) a job?

The Corporate Sis.