thanks, but no thanks - Photo credit: alps411.com

thanks, but no thanks – Photo credit: alps411.com

Thanks, but no thanks! There are many instance when declining a colleague’s lunch or coffee offer is really what we want to do. But instead, we begrudgingly put on a brave face, head to the next ATM, and proceed to buy that lunch or coffee we really didn’t need…

After all, alienating colleagues is never a good idea. And looking like a cheapo or a solitary recluse, not so much… So how does one say “thanks but no thanks” at work:

1. Be honest! If you’re saving to buy a home or pay off your debt, be honest about it. Your co-workers will not only understand, they will be inspired too!

2. Do make time to be social at work! While you can skip some of the expensive lunches or Starbucks Coffee breaks, don’t make it a constant! Do invest some time building relationships with your boss and co-workers…even if you have to opt for the $7.99 salad instead!

3. Don’t ditch the boss! If you have to pick and choose, refrain from ditching the boss on a lunch date! Not that you have to kiss anyone’s b…, but you may miss out on invaluable opportunities to network upwards.

The Corporate Sis.