Would you tell on a co-worker to advance your career - Photo: fakingnews.firspost.com

Would you tell on a co-worker to advance your career – Photo: fakingnews.firspost.com

I wrote earlier about women being able to work together without competing with each other. Oftentimes, and very much unfortunately, it’s not the case, hence generating generous (and unproductive) amounts of unjustified betrayal and backstabbing in the workplace. And this happens not just in between women…

Actually, what with this precarious economy and competitiveness at work, it seems even purpose-oriented millenials  are willing to lie and cheat at work to advance their careers. Granted, there are certainly instances when reporting a co-worker’s inappropriate behavior is justified. However, tattling on a co-worker can be unhealthy at best, and even flat-out dangerous!

My $0.05: Telling on a co-worker, whether to the boss or to other colleagues who may be inclined to repeat the information, is a serious matter. Check your motives! If you’re spewing out potentially career-damaging information about your co-worker to make yourself look better, think twice! You may be causing irreparable damage to him/her, and to yourself by appearing like the office tattle-teller. If you are reporting a concerning situation with possible legal and/or ethical ramifications, seeking Human Resources’ advice first, and possibly consulting with your boss, is best!

So, did you ever tell on a co-worker? Would you?

The Corporate Sis.