Photo: thecollegeinvestor.com

Photo: thecollegeinvestor.com

I’ve written before about working on your side hustle at work, and how your side hustle is really helping your career. Yet a friend of mine and I were discussing the other day how much, and even if, you should talk about your side hustle while working at your 9-to-5. After all in tho new economy, there are ways to balance your day job with a side hustle, and there is really no need to share it with co-workers, colleagues or even your boss. Yet should you?

My $0.05: Proceed with caution here! While you don’t want to make it a secret, revealing your side hustle to people who may not understand it (or may not want to see you succeed) can be risky business. Present it as a hobby at first, and unless there is a need to speak about it, such as a work project which could use your side skills, or an open position of the same nature, limit exposing it more than necessary. If asked, you don’t have to lie about it, just tread carefully! And as always, when at work, your work comes first!

What are your thoughts?

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