Magneto app - magneto.me

Magneto app – magneto.me

Happy Coffee Break (I know, there isn’t such a thing…yet!)! Today, our water cooler convo is around the Magneto app, which we absolutely love!

Have you ever struggled to coordinate your various calendars, be they on Google or Microsoft Exchange? Well, struggle no more, the Magneto app, which was first introduced last February, helps you in doing just that and visualizing your entire day in a snap! Literally…

Not only does it help you sync your various calendars, but it also allows you to input critical information such as meeting time and place! Additionally (and that is one of its greatest features), Magneto allows you to share your schedule with others, so that your own contacts can see empty slots on your calendar and schedule meetings with you! Others can also add comments to your calendar, and you have the discretion to block off information on your calendar so that your personal details are not shared! Can you say awesome?

Now you can be reminded to pick up the dry cleaning and print the quarterly report in one, multi-faceted, efficient platform, and go on about the rest of your life with much less stress…And if you also wanted to add your to-do list to your calendar, or know how long the travel time to your meeting is, or even when you should leave not to be late, done, done and done!

Seen a great app you’d like to feature on the blog? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com or post a comment, you’ll make our day…

The Corporate Sister.