

We’re all about spring cleaning our careers , our minds and life this week, and as many friends and corporate sisters and I often discuss, one of the biggest challenges we face in the area of work priorities. And considering the bulk of our time is spent at work, how do we reconsider and re-evaluate our work priorities?

My $0.05: I am not a status quo type of girl, so in order for me to produce my best work, I need to shift things up a bit regularly, especially when it comes to my work schedule. Here are some of the tips that have helped me the most in that area:

1. Do a work roundup! I usually look at what I’ve accomplished in the past 3 months, identify the best, highest and lowest points. What did I excel at? What was a total miss?

2. Shift priorities! Based on my work roundup, my priorities do shift. Whether it’s taking a class in an area I need to improve in, capitalizing on my strengths to launch a new project, or correct past mistakes, I am quick to shift priorities!

3. Find your zen! It’s important for me to be well mentally, before I can excel professionally. Any re-evaluation or self-review I engage in has to take into account my mental stability, and what really makes me whole and fulfilled as a person. If that is in alignment with my work, we’re good to go! If not, there’s more work to do…

How about you? How do you spring clean your work priorities?

The Corporate Sis.