

If you’ve been in any office environment long enough to make it through Friday, you’ve answered this question more times than you can remember: “Any plans this week-end?” It’s just part of the office conversational lingo, right along with “Did you do anything fun this week-end?” (sure, if you consider catching up on laundry and potty training my toddler fun).

Now if you’re the fun employee who’s always got a good story, you’ve got this. If you’re slightly lower on the employee food chain, you’ve got to give it some thought, rattle your brain and re-visit your definition of “fun” since college, and come up with some way of making weekly house cleaning exciting (how about going on a disinfecting adventure in Toddler Land?)

My $0.05: I don’t have any plans this week-end (or the next). After a week of chasing after projects and keeping on my grind, I’d like to wake up late and have a cup of coffee, uninterrupted. That’s all.

The Corporate Sis.