Handling work interruptions - Photo credit: work awesome.com

Handling work interruptions – Photo credit: work awesome.com

Have you ever been head down, deep into the task at hand, when a team member, co-worker, or even your boss just popped their heads in to ask something? At which point you probably used your Super Powers to lift them off the carpeted office floor, Brooks Brothers non-iron shirt and all, and made them fly away? Ok, maybe not…I digress…again…After all, isn’t doing your work and checking tasks off your unending to-do list more important, and more rewarding?

Actually, work interruptions don’t have to be all that bad. That is, if they are managed efficiently:

1. Slow down, take a moment to asses the importance of the interruption! If it’s your boss interrupting you, fixing your frowned face may be a good idea. And if it’s the team broadcaster, breathe and count to three before you dial your desk phone from your cell phone (there is a speed-dial option for that);

2. Help and be helped! Interruptions are sometimes heaven-sent. If you’ve been looking at the same spreadsheet for an hour, or have no idea how to start the quarterly audit memo, you may need to step away and hit your mind’s “Refresh” button. So go ahead and welcome the break!

3. Offer a plea deal! Refusing to help is never well seen within a professional environment. So use your bargaining skills for something else than buying vintage shoes! Offer an alternative time to discuss and help out, all while you’re giving yourself an inner pat on that astute and oh so diplomatic mind of yours!

What do you think? How do you handle work interruptions?

The Corporate Sis.