Wearing sequins to work - Photo: the grindstone.com

Wearing sequins to work – Photo: the grindstone.com

I’ve been spotting an increasing number of ladies sporting sequins, and other sparkly touches, as part of their workwear, especially at office holiday parties.  If you had asked me a few years back, while I was still in uber-sonservative, client-focused Public Accounting, if you could wear sequins to work, I would’ve just looked at you and kept on steppin’. Yet times are changing, and so are work wardrobes (thankfully), and I’m glad to note sequins are no longer workwear no-no’s (and haven’t been for some time). Some even recommend wearing sparkly things and outfits to work, actually…

My $0.05: Yes, donning sequins to work is no longer outlawed, even in the most conservative of office environments. Yet there are rules to follow, some more subtle than others:

1. One piece at a time! Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT come entirely dressed in sequins, unless the power went out in your office and your shiny outfit is the only source of light. Whether it’s a small detail on your blazer or a subtly sequined top layering piece, make it a one-piece shot!

2. Tone down the rest of your outfit! No, you cannot don a sequined skirt, loud red stilettos, and a shiny gold purse. It’s not that kind of party. While you can certainly add a sequined piece to your work outfit, keep the rest of your look as neutral as possible!

3. KNOW YOUR OFFICE! Last but not least, keep the golden rule of office dressing in mind at all times! KNOW YOUR OFFICE! The more conservative, the less glittery!

What do you think about wearing sequins to work?

The Corporate Sis.