Photo credit: http://www.uhd.edu

Photo credit: http://www.uhd.edu

This is a touchy one. So you let your sis or your cousin on vacation from Minnesota use your employee discount card. No big deal, right? After all, why should’t others take advantage of your employee perks? You’re actually being nice and caring. Right?

My $0.05: Tread carefully here! This may seem a benign matter, but can land you in some unnecessary hot waters at work! Make sure to find and read your company policy about employee discounts, as it can vary from workplace to workplace. Most often, employee discounts are reserved to you and your spouse, and maybe your dependents.
Whatever you do, stick to the rules! Remember ethics hotlines and anonymous tips are increasingly used to report these types of violations, as minor as they may be. You don’t want to get in trouble for a tube of lipgloss…

Do you share employee discounts with friends and family? Any tips?

The Corporate Sis.