Welcome to episode #9 of the newly re-branded Corporate Sister podcast! In this episode, we’re all about re-booting our careers, more specifically our resumes, as we enter the last quarter of 2017! In this episode, I’m discussing 5 tips to re-engineer your resume for the career you want!
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy in this episode:
How to use your resume as a tool to leverage and keep track your career accomplishments
What to do to keep your resume from getting stale
How to use your resume to stand out from the crowd
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In this episode of the Working Girls Club podcast, we’re talking introverts! And we’re raising the dark curtain on what it takes to thrive as introverts at work, in business and in our lives too! As an introvert myself, it’s a topic that’s close to my heart…
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy in this episode:
Why introverts get a bad rap
How introverts can leverage their power of observation, discernment and close bonding
How to build a strong career/business around being an introvert
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In this episode of the Working Girls Club podcast, we’re discussing salary negotiation mistakes to avoid, at least 10 of them!
From not researching what our skills are really worth, to citing a range rather than a specific number, this episode delves into a number of ways we stand in our own way when it comes to getting our coins at work.
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy in this episode:
Why women tend to be unsuccessful when it comes to salary negotiation
10 mistakes we make without even realizing when negotiating
A bonus tip on when to schedule your salary negotiation
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If you have any questions, please email me at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
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Welcome to this new episode of The Working Girls podcast!
In this show, we’re all about Spring Cleaning! We ‘re officially into Spring, and with Spring, comes Spring Cleaning…Which is why in this show, I’m discussing cleaning and purging those dusty, cobweb-filled corners of our lives and careers, from our day-to-day to our resumes and LinkedIn profiles:
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy in this episode:
Our new sweepstakes from Home Away in honor of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast movie
Why spring cleaning is a necessity in our lives and career
Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post!
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In this show, we’re all about transitions…From the current climate of world transitions, to career, business and life transitions in general as we start 2017.
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy in this episode:
How TCS is growing with a new YouTube channel, Facebook community, and upcoming Twitter chats;
How transitions empower us to be our best selves;
7 tips to tackle our upcoming career and business transitions.
Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post!
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Also, leave me a review for the WGC podcast on iTunes!
Your ratings and reviews are not only greatly appreciated, but they also help the show rank better!
If you have any questions, please email me at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
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This is the last Working Girls Club podcast episode of 2016, people! Before we know it, it’ll be 2017, and we’ll be onto a brand new year filled with possibilities, opportunities, and even more lessons than we’ve learnt in 2016.
Speaking of lessons, this show focuses on what I’ve learned in 2016, from the events occurring worldwide and in our country, to more personal takeaways I’m taking with me in 2017…
The show also includes our usual “What’s Up, What’s New” feature. This week, I’m discussing starting the New Year on a different, more reflective tune. And also the books that are currently on my night stand…
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy:
The 7 lessons I learnt in 2016;
Some of the books that have helped me grow and change throughout the year;
The books that I cannot wait to sink my teeth in and finish the year with!
Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post!
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Your ratings and reviews are not only greatly appreciated, but they also help the show rank better!
If you have any questions, please email me at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
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We’re only a few days away from 2017, and everyone’s already thinking about setting goals for the New Year. In this episode, I’m discussing about taking a more soul-centered approach to setting goals, inspired by Danielle Laporte’s masterpiece The Desire Map.
Speaking of goals, I’m also talking about planning your exit from Big Corporate to launch into full-time entrepreneurship. I share 7 steps to make your transition as smooth as possible.
Last but not least, this pre-holiday season is also time to enjoy the…Elf on the Shelf and all the magic of the season! And I’m talking about our family’s experience through it…
Plus I’m introducing a new “What’s Up, What’s New” feature, where I talk about interesting news and books I’ve come across lately.
What you’ll learn/listen to/enjoy:
How to change your approach to setting traditional and ineffective goals for the New Year;
How to set your priorities based on how you want to feel and your lifelong desires;
What to consider when planning to transition from the corporate world and create your own business;
Enjoying pre-holiday traditions for the family;
Interesting news and books I’ve come across lately.
Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to this week’s episode! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please share it by using the social media at the bottom of this post!
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Also, leave me a review for the WGC podcast on iTunes! Your ratings and reviews are not only greatly appreciated, but they also help the show rank better!